Search results

  1. Soonersseth

    Giving Strangers a ride?

    No you are not a bad person glad you are ok.
  2. Soonersseth

    math whiz

    yea thanks too :-)
  3. Soonersseth

    A New Family Member....

    cute puppy
  4. Soonersseth

    Products that help!

    I have scalp psoriasis drives me nuts Olux foam dont work.
  5. Soonersseth

    If your family is hearing do they sign?

    my mom signs my dad knows a few my mom's parents and my aunt and cousins on her side try to write and include me in conversation. My dad's side says hi and then they ignore me like i'm an outcast.
  6. Soonersseth

    Other Wheelchair Users at AllDeaf?

    no I have a brain tumor its dead now and my shunt just drains excess fluid buildup in my head.
  7. Soonersseth

    Other Wheelchair Users at AllDeaf?

    Services to the Deaf
  8. Soonersseth

    Other Wheelchair Users at AllDeaf?

    Yea I have a manuel chair and scooter. I have crutches cain walker ect but my balance is so bad I mostly sit. Usually transfer to my computer chair. And scoot with my feet the spokes on my chair catch my fingers so I hate doin that. I had surgery for a shunt in 1998 when I woke up I could not...
  9. Soonersseth

    Snakes on a Plane

    not see it but terp said don't waste money. :dunno:
  10. Soonersseth


    My notetakers are volunteers some are good some not so much.
  11. Soonersseth

    would any be offended here if i join?

    Sure join welcom to AD enjoy it here :-)
  12. Soonersseth

    Attn: PeachyLady

    Happy Birthday
  13. Soonersseth

    What would you do if you got kidnapped?

    I would fight kick ans scream not gonna let them take me anywere.
  14. Soonersseth

    Wanna play Postitive game about ad members?

    thanks for the kind words galexyangel
  15. Soonersseth

    Anybod like that movie?

    Yes I like the movie.
  16. Soonersseth

    What famous people have you met or saw?

    my sympathies
  17. Soonersseth

    New Female Moderators - CODAchild & Jolie_77

    congrats :thumb: