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  1. S

    Start with spoken language or ASL?

    OH okay, i see what u mean now Jiro :) May I ask if u wear HAs or CI? just curious! i wear two HAs.
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    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    Yeah seems that way. there's also a big branch off topic comin from this thread, which would be ASL vs. SEE
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    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    haha sorry Jillio, i know it was totally off topic. It was just to answer AlleyCat's question.
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    Start with spoken language or ASL?

    Yowza! that's quite a harsh comparison. Cancer vs. Deafness. jeez. cancer means possibility of death! deafness certainly does not. However, I do see what u are getting at. There DOES need to be a foundation and a basis to work from. All i am saying is, its good to deviate from the norm and...
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    Start with spoken language or ASL?

    well u are referring to genetic hearing loss, yes? which is not the case with me. no one in my family is deaf. my loss is due to either premature birth or ototoxic drugs. so it could just simply be a case of me having no hairs inside my ear. There COULD, someday, be a technology that...
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    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    It is delicious! If u like the flavor of pumpkin, then u will like this one. :D
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    Start with spoken language or ASL?

    Alleycat - very good point there (in bold). I was pretty much the same way as u (aside from the learning ASL part. i didn't take a class in ASL until college). i had my nose in books ALL the time and i do wonder if maybe that's a big reason why my vocabulary is at such a high level. perhaps...
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    Start with spoken language or ASL?

    imdeafsowhat, i'm a fan of ur posts, hahaha. Thanks for pointing that out, about the learning a 2nd language. it IS indeed harder to learn a 2nd language, i absolutely agree with that. it was hard for me to pick up Spanish. but that is exactly why, in my opinion & experience, its better to do...
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    Start with spoken language or ASL?

    I would like to point out a flaw with using facts and the "majority's outcomes/results/statistics/whatever" (keyword here is Majority...). if EVERY doctor or therapist went by the majority and used that as a basis on what to do with a deaf child... we would all be screwed. A perfect example...
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    Start with spoken language or ASL?

    imdeafsowhat, i totally applaud ur statements! (esp. whats bolded) and i agree with a lot of what u said, it reflects my own opinion as well. I don't think this thread should be locked either because we all ARE learning different things here. I am new to this forum and the main reason why i...
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    Start with spoken language or ASL?

    and what "same problems" are these?
  12. S

    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    yeah ur right, its a pretty individual, subjective and varied type of thing. Thank u for putting it that way - it CAN be possible! that was exactly my point too. While statistics and data can back up certain facts or whatever. there ARE individual and real-life experiences out there that...
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    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    lol, wow. not even a little bit?
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    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    Hiya Bottesini, same hearing loss? do u wear HA's too? but i actually AM proof that it DOES work AT TIMES. I guess the bottom line is that not everyone is the same. What is right for one person isn't for the other. And what it comes down to is that a deaf child should never be denied the...
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    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    Alleycat, that is awesome, 16/20. I have had that type of test done to me too. and it was an audiologist who I never talked to before, and i got A LOT of them correct. its true, u do kinda have to think for a few seconds. but hearing people do that too. if person A walked into a room saying...
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    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    wow, awesome. kudos on getting the PhD! Are u getting a PhD in speech therapy? as for my connection - i am profoundly deaf with 85-90 dB loss in both ears (w/ two hearing aids) and am 100% oral. (although i did take an ASL class in college, it was fun) I was mainstreamed and did speech therapy...
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    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    sure, but the thing is, A LOT of deaf people do that (speech reading) on a daily basis. at home, at work, in school, etc. this doesn't mean its the poor choice tho. Jillio, i'm curious, what is YOUR connection to the deaf and/or deaf education ?
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    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    * clinks beer bottles with u * lol.
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    Should ASL be Banned from Deaf Ed programs?

    LOL, i confuse fifty and fifteen too! and make mine a Sam Adams™ Oktoberfest! :giggle: