Search results

  1. deafclimber

    My HTC Herpes

    gosh ! ur HTC abuser ! i ll report HTC police immedicately ! ;) same happened to my wife. she droped her 8525 onto streets or concrete paths for a million times. good enough. her mobile keyboard just popped out just like yours. but it kept working greatly. until she drowned it with water so...
  2. deafclimber

    Att annouence prices on 3G phone and plans

    yea good point i agreed. Canadian mobile plans arent cheapa ! what they offer 6Gb data plan for iphone is good enough for iphone user becaue i have surfed heavily a lot, email a lot, have used AIMs and i use often - my average data usage per month is 500mb more or less. So i...
  3. deafclimber

    Att annouence prices on 3G phone and plans

    paceman: that is bummer ! i saw more news online that those activiation systems in europe and usa crash due to high traffic. lol. one brawl where ppl standing on line happened in orlando, fl. lol.
  4. deafclimber

    Att annouence prices on 3G phone and plans

    pacman, dont mess iphone 3G with water. ;)
  5. deafclimber

    Att annouence prices on 3G phone and plans

    there it goes... :) sorry i couldnt announce this morning. too busy at work... ah well. glad you find more info about iphone 3G. BEST of LUCK to those new iphone 3G owners. :)
  6. deafclimber

    Att annouence prices on 3G phone and plans

    i will announce it tmw.
  7. deafclimber

    Att annouence prices on 3G phone and plans

    Guys ! Dont jump into a collusion. dont listen one of Vlogs about itap on iphone 3G. Be patience. Please re-check on that info or call NCCD tomorrow. i cant answer for AT&T's sake or i can get into real trouble. *seriously*
  8. deafclimber

    WeatherBug for WM mobiles

    i have reviewed on it for a almost week. it is not bad. what i like mostly is that it pops up a warning sign on screen on today's screen. it tells me what kind of weather condition would be before it arrives at my area like it did tell me about hails and lighenings few days ago. it impresses me...
  9. deafclimber

    VTAP(youtube) for Blackberry devices

    i find that interesting because my vtap never download the videos on my mobile or storage card. it just opens and runs the videos like your home PC. i dont want any video saved into my mobile or storage card.
  10. deafclimber

    Att annouence prices on 3G phone and plans

    any third party IM applications on any mobile like WM or BB or Iphone can work fine with relay service like HOVRSIM or IP RELAY. etc.
  11. deafclimber

    Att annouence prices on 3G phone and plans

    yes but it is used through SMS yet you can also download third party IM application like beejive or others that can be used through internet which is more better than SMS.
  12. deafclimber

    Best Pizzas for you!

    the best little pizza place in the world is Miguel's pizza which is in Slade, KY. i always think about that place where the rock climbers from the world staying a campsite behind that place. Miguel is from Portugal and he is a wood craftman and runs that pizza place. he always welcome all world...
  13. deafclimber

    AT&T Tilt - Downloads, hacks & Tips

    Battery Bar - Batti v2.2 would you like to have battery bar on screen ? it is much easier to read that bar above the screen. you can adjust the colors if you want. i dont need battery icon on top bar so that battery bar is much easier to read... and it lets me know how much left the battery can...
  14. deafclimber

    AT&T Tilt - Downloads, hacks & Tips

    pttbutton01.flv - Video - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting when you see "registry/HKLM/service/" that means you dont see "PTT" because i deleted it. When you see"registry/HKLM/software/microsoft/Shell/Keys/" i added two values - 40C6 and 40C7. i hope this is helpful.
  15. deafclimber

    AT&T Tilt - Downloads, hacks & Tips

    PTT - Push To Talk button Tilt has PTT button which is useless so you can select PTT button to assign your favorite program or useful program. Go to open Total Commander which you can edit registry. delete the PTT registry settings under HKLM/Services/PTT. Delete the whole sub tree, then...
  16. deafclimber

    Sweet Tea

    awww. i love sweet tea. any one who is not from south(except Florida - they never make sweet tea at any places i know) doesnt understand what sweet team means ! i love making my secret sweet tea. i learned that from my mom who is pure southern belle. i do get some sweet teas at restaurants even...
  17. deafclimber

    WeatherBug for WM mobiles

    yes i agree with your husband. i really hate WeatherBug on any PCs or Laptops, but its program is different from the mobiles.
  18. deafclimber

    WeatherBug for WM mobiles

    WeatherBug now has its own weather program on PDA and smartphone. It updates the weather forecasts on Today's screen. It is FREE. Unfortunately it supports US cities and it might increase more locals and countries in the future. WeatherBug Direct Review -...
  19. deafclimber

    WM 6.1 update on any AT&T devices

    yea i saw that article that is leaking. i rather wait until the facts will be released from AT&T Mobility after iphone will release on july 11th... however i look forward to upgrading wm 6.1 on my Tilt. speaking of the rumor, i am worried about Tilt II that might have no sliding keyboard...
  20. deafclimber

    Att annouence prices on 3G phone and plans

    plan to put alot of movies in there from ?