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  1. Grayma

    I've been invited to go to the Open house at state school for the deaf

    I went- my husband and two youngest kids came, too, as well as another friend who is learning ASL. We had a great time. I am glad we went. The only thing I didn't like was the heat- it was 90 degrees and humid and I didn't bring extra water. I met several other deaf people, everybody was kind...
  2. Grayma

    Steampunk Deaf

    I like steampunk.
  3. Grayma

    Update: School for the Deaf denies deaf child placement

    Eeek. As the mother of 'that type of student,' albeit she can hear (with a very mild hearing loss on one side, very, very mild), I would be horrified at the idea that if she were deaf, just because she's also retarded she should be served by a deaf/blind program, regardless of whether or not...
  4. Grayma

    Indian blood heritage..

    You probably already figured this out, but a lightbulb just went off in my head- THIS is probably why my husband's great-great-grandmother and your great-grandmother were named Tennessee- longing, regret, the lost homeland.
  5. Grayma

    The Taxi Driver

    Sad, but beautiful.
  6. Grayma

    Indian blood heritage..

    Hey- my husband's great-great-grandmother (the one who was also at least half Indian)- her name was also Tennessee (Tennessee Martha).
  7. Grayma

    Indian blood heritage..

    Indeed. And she was hired and listed as an Indian hire. That slot was set aside for the hiring of somebody who actually is Indian, who has faced discrimination for their race. So for this blonde, blue eyed woman who nobody has ever thought, "Hmmmm, you might be Indiana, I don't think I'll hire...
  8. Grayma

    Odd reason for joining

    If I were use a picture of a deceased relative to honor them, I wouldn't have to resort to a picture in the newspaper. I'd own other pictures of my relatives. Just thinking.
  9. Grayma

    "Intruding on Deaf Space" Follow up!

    I feel the same way sometimes. I spend several hours on Sundays with my deaf friend and by the end of the day I am exhausted and my brain feels like it must be hard as a rock and smoother than glass, and coated in teflon so nothing else can penetrate it. And then I remind myself that this is...
  10. Grayma

    Change of moderation guidelines, recent member events

    This is just an observation, and may be quite wrong, but something I noticed when I first started reading here is that often the rudest people in a thread, the quickest to name call, were also the first to say, "I've reported your post." In fact, they were usually the only ones to say that...
  11. Grayma

    Communications, of what to talk about:

    I know you didn't mean to offend anybody. I don't know if you hurt anybody's feelings. It seemed to me your comments just kind of irritated a couple of people. It happens. We all say stuff that doesn't come out right, that doesn't communicate what we really meant, or that is just kind of...
  12. Grayma

    Indian blood heritage..

    I want to add that it is clear that there was discrimination against Indians in most places for years- and it was discrimination that brought my husband's family to Oklahoma in the first place (the trail of tears). I just don't know how much there would have been in their local small Oklahoma...
  13. Grayma

    Indian blood heritage..

    We will never know. His daughter, my husband's great-grandmother (who helped raise my husband) died many years ago. Everything we know about her parents we learned from her. I don't know how much discrimination the family would have been facing where they were in Oklahoma at that time. She...
  14. Grayma

    'Octomom': I'm back on food stamps for 14 kids

    how is it fraud? She is legally eligible for Welfare. Guess maybe the system needs serious reform after all?:hmm:
  15. Grayma

    What are you thinking about? Part V

    I'm thinking about banging my head against the wall.
  16. Grayma

    Calif. man forgotten in cell says he drank urine

    Somebody needs to lose their job for this.
  17. Grayma

    Political Scientist: Republicans Most Conservative They've Been In 100 Years

    Egad is kind of like 'good grief' or 'sheesh' or 'you've got to be kidding.' I don't point at black people at all. I point at government programs which are designed by liberal do gooders to make people dependent. they started by targeting the black community, but they are reaching out to...
  18. Grayma

    Political Scientist: Republicans Most Conservative They've Been In 100 Years

    From the blog AfroConservative: Before liberals came and negated the influence of the Black father, over 80 percent of black children in 1960 were born in wedlock. In 1940 the illegitimacy rate amongst Blacks was 19 percent. Today, post the liberals monopoly in the poor urban areas, the...
  19. Grayma

    Political Scientist: Republicans Most Conservative They've Been In 100 Years

    Egad. Can you not tell the difference between a columnist and the paper that published his column? I don't like WND, either, but I do like Thomas Sowell, and you can find his books at the library yourself. His material is very well researched and back up by careful scholarship.
  20. Grayma

    Political Scientist: Republicans Most Conservative They've Been In 100 Years

    Black radio host Lisa Fritsch: It is pretty incredible, isn't it, that vouchers are just about the only 'redistribution' program that liberals refuse to support, and that denial of vouchers to children already on them was nearly one of the first things Obama did upon taking office? But...