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  1. C

    yet another offical AD thread pictures part 3

    Lake Tahoe you both are so beautiful together!!!! :hug:
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    Some People Just Can't Have a Life...

    I don't know if I am wrong on this one, but, wouldn't an agreement be broken anyway, if we allow another person to act as a temporary surrogate parent for breastfeeding. God's child would only have one set of parent's, liasions not included. If mom cannot breastfeed for whatever reason, you...
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    Some People Just Can't Have a Life...

    :ty: :ty: :h5: :hug:
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    Some People Just Can't Have a Life...

    I agree with you Jolie!!!! We do have the choice of either breast feeding or bottle feed our baby. Like you said, there could be so many possibilities why a mom cannot breast feed, so we have to take the other option to bottle feed. We cannot let the baby starve now can we? Men may have...
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    Emaciated girl, 9, found in filthy diaper

    :( How could this mother do this to a child that is a gift from God? There are so many people in the world who cannot have children, and would give their right arm to have a child, and this woman is one of the lucky ones to be able to have children, and this is the thanks this little girl...
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    Some People Just Can't Have a Life...

    I guess they are trying to say if you're going to breast feed your baby, to do in a more discreet way. Breast feeding is a very natural bonding between Mom and baby, although I never breast fed. It seems these people who have made these comments and complaints, had breast fed their kids think...
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    New Hampshire woman bakes cookies on dashboard of her Toyota

    Yes!!! I did hear that story on the news!!! I couldn't believe that she was able to bake cookies on her dashboard! Call her smart, she saved money on electricity!!! :giggle:
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    Tropical Storm Chris

    Did this storm strengthen again? I keep track everyday of the storms, and yesterday Chris was weakening as it headed to Santo Domingo. Now, it's becoming stronger again? My prayers are with you OceanBreeze. I hope everything will be alright down your way!!! God bless!!! :hug:
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    My funniest voice mail ever

    :laugh2: That story is so funny and cute!!!! Maybe he wanted to be blessed too!!! :popcorn:
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    I am upset with LakeTahoe!

    :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: to you dear Lake Tahoe!!! I hope you had a wonderful day celebrating and the best birthday ever!!! :ily: I hope you have many, many more wonderful birthdays to come!!! Have a great day!!! :hug: :hug:
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    :wave: :welcome: to Alldeaf SignsForHim!!! I hope you will enjoy being on Alldeaf, and making lots of new friends!!! Have fun posting, and welcome aboard!! :cheers:
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    So it's getting bad again - Please Read

    :ty: :ty: So much "Y"!!!! :hug: :h5: :ily:
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    A Pic Of My Wedding

    Gemtun, Congratulations to you and your new hubby on your wedding!!! You all looked so beautiful!!! I loved the color of the light purple you used on your wedding party, and your dress is such a beautiful deep purple. I hope you both have a wonderful and happy future together!!! God Bless!!
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    Where is R3na3Blyth3?

    :rofl: :rofl: I knew that one was coming bbnt!!!!
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    Tomorrow will be.....

    :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: Dear Rachel!!! I hope you had a wonderful day on your birthday, and had a great time celebrating!! I hope you have many, many more birthdays to come!!!! :hug:
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    Where is R3na3Blyth3?

    :angel: I know when our lives are busy, we can't always be where we want to be, but, we do miss her, and hopes she will be back soon!!!
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    Off to TO!

    :) I hope you had a really great time!!!!
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    :( I had a pekingese named "Tara" till she was 15 years old. She started becoming so sick. I could see her time was coming. On Nov. 19th, 2004 I sat with her for 2 hours. She just didn't have the strength anymore. For some reason, she just hung on. Then as it was approaching hour number 2...
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    What are you listening right now?

    Great video Alex!!!!
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    What are you listening right now?

    :whistle: I am listening to Radio Station B101.5, oldies, right now it's Ringo Starr singing "Photograph". :)