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    How to use HyperTerminal (better than TTY ?)

    I've been using nextalk for cpl months. Whenever people call me, the window pops up to let me know somebody calling me, it give me 3 options to choose from, by clicking 3 boxes. "answer" "take a message" "hang up" it works great for me... no plm so far. expect for ip relay (on nextalk)...
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    B***S**t game.

    LoL... :-) funny. I wish there is a online BS game.. with webcam directly on each player's face.. :-( it'd be interesting, and something to try to see if it works and is still fun to play as it is IRL.
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    I just recently watched... (movies)

    Just saw I, Robot yesterday... I went to movie with a friend of mine. He's deaf. We saw "I, Robot" Heard it was suppose to be good. I actually like it, considering theres no open closed caption. I wished there was CC on the movie. I might will go to movie again once Lloydd Center Mall...
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    Photoshop Users... Send pics here

    What the difference between Adobe Photo shop CS and older versions of Adobe photoshop??
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    Nuclear Silo For Sale!

    Awesome. Look real nice. I wouldnt mind living in this. 1,250,000 mil dollar! yike. :( Wish I'm millioniare... this is similar as the movie called Blast from the Past. love that movie. heh. ~Kiz
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    Star Trek Apartment For Sale!

    Oh my lord. 1 mil. dollar?! :jaw: wonder who's gonna bid on this. I'd be surprised if any1 even buy it... :shock: Look awesome.. I'd love to spend a week in that apartment. Not to live forever. no thank u. lol. :-D
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    Free Blogs

    I only know two blogs. (I hated it, because it make you pay for extra features on it. so it sucks anyway) (its much better than livejournal. and is free... Im still using it)
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    Anti Virus

    I have used Macafee prog. I hated it, cuz I was forced to pay for updates... way too many updates in a year. So I use Norton Anti Virus prog. sure, its not always 100% protection. just 95% protection... I like Norton better, cuz it works for me, and plus I only pay once a year to update...
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    Another Official Member Photo Thread (comments ok!)

    I loved ur pic, how did u make it with Jasc program? Ive used it free trail, and didnt really get much out of it... It wasnt anything like Adobe Photo Shop porgram.
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    Attn MizzDeaf

    Happy belated birthday! :birthday:
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    What is your freak out of animals or bugs?

    Im afraid of spiders, too... if tiny spider, real small I can get up near it to kill it. but if its little bigger or fat spider I always scream for mom to kill it for me. My friend told me that he saw on tv they have a plug in that make sound cuz spider doesnt like some type of sound and...
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    I need job so bad...

    the place you go to, they have to pay for interpreter for u to be able to talk to them thru interpreter. like at dentist, doctor, even at interview at the places u applied to, etc. No deaf people pay for interpreter. unless they want to hire interpreter full time and stay with them nearly...
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    I need job so bad...

    Sue his ASS! he cant do that... It's against the law to not hire people cuz he's discriminating them... I have several friends that works at Walmart... it doesnt matter whether if ur deaf or not. or u can simply tell him, ok, since u wont hire me cuz I cant hear. I'll go to ADA and tell...
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    away msgs...

    LoL. I'd test it.. doubt I'd keep it long, probably uninstall it after a week or two using it. I never really keep programs long... I only keep is messengers (AIM, YAHOO, MSN), and photo programs, web programs, etc, etc
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    I need have new friends

    Yeah I know how u feel... its all the same in deaf community no matter where you live, or visiting... U're gonna have to figure out how to deal with it. the way I deal with it, is to stay out of deaf community as much as I can. out of sight, out of mind. :-) heh. I go to deaf events...
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    away msgs...

    How does AIM bot works???
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    Warning: touching story (tear) ~ had to share

    wow. thats good... if I was the mom in that story, it'd break my heart to see my kid crying, not knowing what to do.
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    Deaf Lesbians Criticized For Efforts to Create Deaf Child

    I dont think theres anything wrong with wanting their children to be deaf. try to create them to be deaf. nothing wrong with that... to me, it doesnt matter deaf or hearing. I'd still love them equally. I'd try to get my hearing kid(s) to be involved in deaf world. So he/she would be...
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    Would you go back to an ex for great sex?

    No... cuz what me and my ex bf had is in past. why keep doing it all over again, unless we still have feeling for each other and want to work it out. might will give it shot, I'm not gonna just to have sex with him just cuz my sex life with current bf or most recent bf SUCKS.
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    In memory of..

    Yeah, if I ever get chance to go up there, I'd love to meet up with you. including to see Jolene, her bf Jonathon, and Eric's parents & sister Shannon. :-) yeah, im me, too. I have AIM & Yahoo & msn.