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    It's ok. I understand the problems in using it with deaf children, having gone through it myself. I don't wish it on deaf children. Honestly, I felt like I was a guiena pig for deaf education while I was growing up. Because it felt like they wanted me to learn every available system of...
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    I'm not a defender of SEE, more trying to clear up the misconceptions. Heck, I wouldn't wish any child to learn SEE. I remember signing SEE for literally hours with an teacher and going home with arms that felt like lead. I'd rather that all deaf people were taught ASL, honestly. And I know not...
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    some of us are not thinking in terms of how a language works, but rather, our own expierence with the language or system that was used. So telling us how things work doesn't exactly help. I am going by my own expierences with SEE, not educational research. I went through 12 years of learning...
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    Deaf After Hearing?

    I lost my hearing at age 4 from spinal mengetisis. yet, I still speak even though I sign. learning to sign will not cause you to lose your speaking skills. I learned to speak before I learned to sign. So I'd learn to sign and keep talking, you will do well with both. And it gives you more tools...
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    I used SEE for 5 years. And the research was most likely interpreted a different way than you interpreted it. Remember that everyone who researches a languages usually draws up their own conclusions based on their research. My teacher who taught me SEE probubly interpreted it differently than...
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    To Implant or Not to Implant? That is my question . . .

    I'm deaf, don't have a CI, considering getting one, only thing that I'm worried about is the fact I haven't heard anything in 24 years and have virtually no memory of hearing. I say to each their own. I have no problems with my deafness. I'm only considering CI's because I want to know what...
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    Again with the misconceptions of SEE. SEE does not use the signs for "butter" and "fly" It will use the sign for "butterfly". This is why people don't understand how SEE works, because they misunderstand how it is being used. Yes, it can be confusing for some people, but children can be taught...
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    Southern heat wave blamed for 33 deaths

    Temperatures here have been in the 90s to 100's. I've been staying home, drinking a lot of water and keeping the temp inside down to 60. Thank god.
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    Fraudlant On My Tmobile Account!!!

    I think he has a monthly payment plan. I know some people go by a monthly payment plan, I go by the prepaid plan because I don't want bills all the time. i have SK2 and I am on prepaid, it's easier for me that way heh.
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    What is wrong with some people?

    I get the "are you deaf?" a lot because apparently people mistake me for a hearing person all the time. But the thing i hate is the idea that most people think because you're deaf, they should talk louder, practically screaming. I've had friends, co-workers, relatives tell people that they can...
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    Emotional Abuse..

    That I would consider neglect, since the parents are not considering the child's needs. Could be a form of emotional abuse as well. Especially if the parents are purposely not using sign due to being embarassed by having a child they consider "disabled" I'm not trying to start anything, that's...
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    Emotional Abuse..

    Not always. It really depends on why the parents refuse to learn to sign. Some parents don't think it's needed, especially if the kids are in a residental school and only home for the weekend. Some parents don't have time, due to having a job that takes up so much of their time plus other...
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    Are female kittens more playful than male kittens?

    having raised both male and female kittens, yes, Female tend to be the more playful of the two. males tend to spray everywhere, You do not want to know how bad it can get.
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    List USA states & countries you have touched.

    I've been to Maine, NH, VT, Mass, Penn, NY, NJ, IN, IL, WA, washington DC, NC, SC, NV, OH, Delware, VA, MD, And Conn. Haven't been outside the US yet.
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    Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

    I love peanut butter and Jelly,. My favorite is Raspberry. I have a friend who eats peanut butter and apple mint jelly sandwiches.. I think that's weird.
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    you love being as Aunt&Uncle?

    I wish I was an aunt. I have some nieces. but their mom is my stepsister and we don't talk much. My sister isn't interested in having kids right now, so that leaves me to have the kids. ah well.
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    You're not going to believe this . . .

    I met my boyfriend through online friends, so i really don't see a problem with trying out dating sites. Just have to watch the scammers.
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    We Help You Mommy!

    OH my god, what in the world was this kid thinking, or his parents thinking? What if this kid had eaten or drank the paint? Oh my god!
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    love after marriage ?

    Love after marriage to me sounds like arranged marriage or bethrothments. And while in many cases, people can find love after marriage, but what about the people who don't? and end up hating each other? I'm personally against betrothments or arranged marriage, because it sounds like some...
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    "What is The Meaning or Reason Behind Your Alldeaf name"

    Mine is basically my boyfriend and I's gamer names.