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    Good alarm for deaf student

    you can find both the alarms and the watches at Cell phone amplifiers | amplified phone | assistive technology | signaling systems - SoundBytes. I've been using Soundbytes for deaf equipment for years.
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    For people who dont provide HAs or CIs for their Deaf children?

    While having oral skills is valuable, Not everyone will pick up oral skills. There will be deaf who can't pick up the skills for whatever reason. This is why doing both Oral and ASL is good for all deaf, but we do have to realize that there will be deaf that can't pick up the skills. Plus...
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    Do I Understand?

    personally, I've read a lot of Jillio's posts, and From my point of view, she's a hearing person trying to help the deaf. She's trying to understand Deaf culture, but she knows that she can't understand what it's like to be deaf. Really, from what i've seen, every person who could hear that...
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    Once-deaf girl to work at Disney World

    While I am happy for the Pooler girl in her acheivements, I take offense to the media's use of "once deaf" because the media makes it sound like just because you have a CI, you are no longer deaf. But Did the media ever think that if the CI user takes off the CI, they are deaf without that CI...
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    what law for TV?

    There is no law i'm aware of that says all TV shows must be captioned. But there is a law that says all TV's must have some form of caption decoder in them by 2009 or something.
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    Five Letter Words Game

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    And he was cued...

    you're welcome. I just figured giving some info on how it helped me would at least give an idea of how it can help some deaf people even if they have HA's or CI's.
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    Looking for Kid Book!!!!

    Abrams, C. (1996). The Silents. Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press. The author present s a loving portrait of her family, taking the reader from her childhood in depression-era Chicago, through the hard times of World War II, and life in Los Angeles with her own children, with the...
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    Southern heat wave blamed for 33 deaths

    As a born and bred new englander, I know what Kalista means, that whole area is usually cooler than the south during the summer. I remember when the highs were 90, not the 100's that we've been having down here. plus humidity was better up there.
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    My sidekick 2 cellphone fk'd up and dead :(

    Hmm strange. My SKII is still working fine. interesting.
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    And he was cued...

    Cloggy, My mother started me out on cued speech within 4 months of my deafness being confirmed ,so I don't know if this would help you. But For me, it was a helpful tool until I could lipread without visual aid. And Even if your daughter doesn't show much interest in it now, I think she'd be...
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    Mountain Dew Game Fuel

    Tried the Pepsi Summer Magic that was out this summer? i thought it was good stuff.
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    So frustrated. . . .

    have you tried voc rehab? they are usually willing to help if you need it. or try asking the local deaf center for recommendations. That's all I can think to suggest right now.
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    Southern heat wave blamed for 33 deaths

    Actually, the temperatures in Iraq and Kuwait are 140 degrees, 120 is in the shade if they're lucky. But it will break after September. And they will have semi-winter weather. I know cuz i've got friends over there, and my boyfriend is there now.
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    Mountain Dew Game Fuel

    Oh i had my first taste of it today, it's awesome! I saw it at the store, and bought a 12 pack to try it out, give it a fair try. I do it with all the new drinks that MD and Pepsi introduce to us.
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    Hamburger Eating Championship

    white castle hamburgers? I can eat about 8. Normal hamburgers I can only eat like 2.
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    Five Letter Words Game

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    I'm Seeking For Mr.right

    Mr right and mRs right don't exist.. sorry to burst your bubble.
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    Im New At This Chat Room

    A. Tone down the cap locks, on the net it's considered shouting, so don't use cap locks. B. Go see your audiologist. They can give you advice in terms of ways to learn to hear with your CI. But a good idea would be to take some children's books like Dr. Seuss and read them out loud to...
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    Deaf After Hearing?

    Oh, wanted to add.. Audiologists and the professionals that tell you that signing will take away from speech really are going by myths themselves, so keep signing and working on your speech. I've been doing this for 23 years, and I've never lost my voice just because I sign or lost my signing...