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  1. D

    hey hey hey new names come forward here

    Awwie! But I liked your previous screen name Birdie! :( very simple & cute
  2. D

    Flavored Eggnog

    Oh yes Eggnog are fattening...I guess I should start drinking them till they stop selling them so I can gain some weight. :hmm: I'm curious to try on those different flavored Eggnog. Perhaps I shall.
  3. D

    What are you thinking about?

    :roll: Nah you don't need sleep. You're fine the way you are. Find anything interesting that keeps you awake longer? When I stay up late, I usually try to find something random and interesting to read from the internet. Something silly or weird. Till I couldn't stay awake longer. :zzz:
  4. D


    Oh heck yeah. I use to carry my sidekick with me like a security blanket, even slept with it. :roll:
  5. D

    What are you thinking about?

    In Tennessee where he lives. Hopefully the weather will be nice enough to go do something outside....
  6. D

    Very cold!!!!

    Well cold weather can be nice because it means we can use the fireplace and snuggle up with a blanket and a mug of hot chocolate.
  7. D


    I think we got off topic because PFH aren't responding here lately. Or maybe he's merely sitting back and watching how his thread turned up to be and being amused about it.
  8. D


    Ahh alright. I believe I wasted more time than you do. We will miss you when you become too busy to use AD.
  9. D

    The mars thread

  10. D

    What are you thinking about?

    Ah sounds like a good plan. What kind of homework? I don't have homework, but needed to get packing for a trip to see my boyfriend for Thanksgiving. Yippie!
  11. D


    Nay Birdie. I don't think it was dusty...bit slow and boring topic (nothing I find interesting) yes....Thanks for stirring things up. I tried to be creative with it myself but you're better than me! :shock: :giggle:
  12. D

    We are having a baby

    Congrats! How long are you married?
  13. D


    I think PFH and Birdie just wanted to chat their head off so they created useless or interesting threads just because.
  14. D

    What are you thinking about?

    This weekend?! Rake up the leaves? Burn up the leaves? Ugh. I rather just leave them as is because they're pretty, rather than staring at the green lawn all the time. What about the snow? Wouldn't it be pretty to see something WHITE and clean?
  15. D

    What are you thinking about?

    Ya'know JClarke, your signature is annoying and entertaining at the same time. :shock: Almost couldn't keep my eyes off of it. Almost couldn't stop watching it. Ack!
  16. D

    What are you thinking about?

    I'm thinking I should just ignore this thread because I don't think I could ever catch up with you guys because I'm always behind by 20 or 30 posts. Too tired or lazy to read them all before I make a respond. :zzz:
  17. D

    Ask Nathan...umm...anything?

    Mine is nTelos and I do not think this is a correct speed for the company? :hmm:
  18. D

    If Walls Could Talk...

    Birdie! I believe you'll get 10,00 posts before I could make it that many times. :eek:
  19. D


    YAY! I have few more of something interesting (I hope). "House flies have a lifespan of two weeks." Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin." "You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television."
  20. D


    Welcome Chris! I am from America!