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    Kennedy blasts Bush about war issues

    Florida :rl: :twisted:
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    Kennedy blasts Bush about war issues

    Yaaayyyyyy! Bush :rl: Cheney :rl: Rove :rl: Texas :rl: (oops!) :Oops:
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    Need help fast, need info to where law says interpreter required when pulled over

    There is no federal law that requires interpreters. The ADA says you must be reasonably "accomodated", in other words the police can use any method to try to communicate with you, like writing notes. But it is okay to ask for an interpreter. However, like many here already said, keep...
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    General Wesley Clark going to join Democrat President Race in 2K4 tomorrow

    :lol: :dance: :applause: :mad2: <----------Karl Rove and friends @ D**2
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    General Wesley Clark going to join Democrat President Race in 2K4 tomorrow

    Yaaaay! As someone said to me Rove is p***ing in his pants :)
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    Newbie from Seattle, WA

    "I know around here [Seattle] and where the deafies hang out" would that still be Tex's tavern?
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    Tax The Rich for the War on Iraq!

    Hey' y'all have a nice day now! Go BUSH in '04! :fingersx:
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    Tax The Rich for the War on Iraq!

    oh, how nice it is to hurl insults! have a great day.
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    Tax The Rich for the War on Iraq!

    hec, "the will of the people" -- you NOW say it reflects the outcome of the electoral college, You didn't say that the first time you uttered "will of the United States". "That's not my problem." Sure it is. You just have your own opinion on that. Don't sign the petition.
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    Tax The Rich for the War on Iraq!

    AK, you can conduct the search yourself and post the results here. I'm not twisting anybody's arm to sign the petition. If you don't like it then for heaven's sake DON'T SIGN IT! If you don't like class warfare, well GUESS WHAT -- You got company! The Cheneys, Lays, and Grassos are...
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    Myths and lies about CIs . . .

    Geez, DD, I hope you don't have a test on this tomorrow or you'll get an "F"! "radiowaves" are ALWAYS inaudable (regardless if you're a woman, dog or alien!)! You need a RF tuner to recieve the signal then convert it to SOUNDWAVES. Now high frequency soundwaves are often unheard by humans but...
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    Tax The Rich for the War on Iraq!

    Hec, hey genius, talk about getting off topic. the results of the electoral college has nothing to do with the will of the people. And the will of the people spoke this way: Gore. Besides, I SUPPORT the electoral college. I'm a democrat from a small state. I'd be an idiot to not support it...
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    Myths and lies about CIs . . .

    "Insurance does pay for viagra." oh really? the biggest HMO doesn't.
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    Tax The Rich for the War on Iraq!

    H sez: "do try not to piss in the well in your next post" Whats with the insults? I'm not a public figure. Bush is. So is Clinton. Direct your piss comments at them. But if you LIKE to dish out insults to strangers in a forum, remember, everybody can play the same game, so here's a roll of...
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    Tax The Rich for the War on Iraq!

    "Whatever Bush has done is an indirect reflection of the will of the United States." oh really. funny how he didn't get the popular vote. while the electoral collage and Sandra Day OConnor along with help from Clarence Thomas got Bush the title of "appointed president," he didn't have the...
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    Tax The Rich for the War on Iraq!

    "As usual, your posts remain staunchly content-free." I have been trained well. Thanks to Professor Newt Gingrich I've become a master basher after watching the republicans bash clinton every step of the way for 8 years. "Political rhetoric does not justify a class tax" probably not...
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    attitude vs knowledge (philosophical debate)

    Good thread. "I call it the bullshit detector." I use a set of a baloney detection tools provided by Carl Sagan. " . . . Einstein said about skepticism without investigation being the worst form of ignorance there is" This is not always true. For instance, one can use "common...
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    Tax The Rich for the War on Iraq!

    Maybe, maybe, maybe, but this technique is just as "fair" as the technique Bush used to convince us that there are MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF WMD IN IRAQ! I'd say we shovel as much BS as we can down our President's throat. Have a nice day.
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    Myths and lies about CIs . . .

    DD sez: ""but the internal componets probaly generate a noise of their own." Me: probably not. Ever listen to a silent passage on a CD? -- its DEAD SILENCE. Digital sound is either a 0 or a 1 (or a series of 0's and 1's) -- not some humm in the background! I'd find it hard to believe CI's...
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    Ferrari Go BOOM! (Warning: 56k Killer)

    Thats why NOBODY drives my Ferrari! :devil: