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  1. S

    California is running out of water.....

    I totally agree. We need more rain! The JC I went to is closed temporarily due to a severe fire in the area, houses have been's not good. I could smell the smoke from my mom's house. We've NEVER had a fire out here this bad, this early in the year. We've had an extreme fire...
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    Choosing a VRS service to my needs

    ^_^ She (often, but not always) found that the easiest method to call family and friends was to have the interpreter interpreting but she'd speak for herself. Other times she'd just give the interpreter instructions to wait until she was close enough to see before they started signing.
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    Choosing a VRS service to my needs

    I've never used a VRS system, but my deaf-blind roommate last year used one on a tablet that she could hold close to her face so she could see. Her vision problem had a lot to do with distance, though, but she also had some difficulty with print and other things (she said things got blurry...
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    What are you doing right now?

    Up packing to move back to my dorm, and talking with an English friend!
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    Maybe it's a taboo topic

    One of my Deaf professors brought up a possible reason: He said that many people trying to teach English to Deaf children tend to teach it in a way that makes sense for HEARING people, instead of changing their style to suit Deaf learners. He also said that some people affected by a severe...
  6. S

    Sharks are friendly now...

    I'd think more, seeing as how human teeth are more blunt.
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    does your spider do this too?

    :cheers: :popcorn:
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    Titanic set to sail?

    Oh gosh like, I live in California, but I've never been in like the STATES before, like, I can't wait!! /sarcasm But seriously, trying to do something like this seems almost like ASKING for disaster.... Though it could turn out really well... Food for thought.
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    Busted! Octomom Charged With Welfare Fraud

    Like, I have no problem with big families (if you can afford it) or people getting aid (if you really need it), but like....I hate hate HATE it when people lie and take advantage of the system. I especially dislike the fact that she had many children she couldn't afford INTENTIONALLY, and then...
  10. S

    what advice would you give a 13 year old girl and her mom?

    Ugh I guess they don't realize that ASL IS normal, just not their version of normal. It might be time for in-person action.
  11. S

    Sharks are friendly now...

    In all honesty, sharks with human teeth terrify me more than sharks with shark teeth...these pictures made me so uncomfortable.
  12. S

    boys think I'm weird because of hearing aids?

    Any guy who's sole focus is your HAs and not YOU isn't worth your time. Granted, not everyone's seen HAs and some people may have questions, but remember that there's a difference between genuine, respectful curiosity and people just thinking you're weird. The former, while tiring, is not...
  13. S

    what advice would you give a 13 year old girl and her mom?

    Regardless of whether or not she goes to the Deaf school, I'm hoping she ends up in a supportive environment that's going to help her grow (which, at this point, it sounds like the Deaf school's the better bet).
  14. S

    Alcohol VS Mariujana

    I have been stoned, and I have been drunk, and while I did both in a responsible setting (with people I trust, in a situation in which I was comfortable, and with no intention of leaving the apartment, much less driving anywhere), I'd MUCH RATHER get stoned than be drunk, simply because I lost...
  15. S

    what advice would you give a 13 year old girl and her mom?

    (I asked because I have a friend whose teachers kept correcting his pronunciation whenever he talked to them, regardless of what he was trying to say, and then when he FINALLY got them to listen then brushed him off because they didn't want to deal with trying to struggle through a conversation...
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    Bucket List

    I want to travel the world, Graduate and get a degree, Live in a different country, Climb a mountain, and learn Japanese Among other things, of course
  17. S

    what advice would you give a 13 year old girl and her mom?

    First off, is it other students giving her a hard time or are teachers the ones picking on her?
  18. S

    Are reviews a Catch 22 thing?

    I generally read reviews for online purchases, and I'll read them all (or at least a bunch, and a variety of good and bad). If I see bad ones I'll go and look at them to see what the complaint was about (oftentimes it's shipping or something not being received on time, but sometimes it's on the...
  19. S

    How are you feeling today?....

    It's warming up here in SoCal.....I'm anticipating one or two more chilly days just 'cause Cali weather's not always consistent. I've been INCREDIBLY stressed due to finals and my Deaf Culture class has a HUGE essay due. It's been hard to find resources for my topic, but it's slowly coming...
  20. S

    Would you give felons a second chance?

    I think it depends on how well I knew them, what they did, what they're like now... I wouldn't trust them right off the bat, but I don't think I'd automatically distrust them (again, it depends on what they did.)