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  1. deafdrummer

    11 Facts About Lefties

    I'm mostly ambidextrous. I'm left-handed, but do dishes right-handed most of the time, and when I had to work in a kitchen for 8 weekends at a renaissance festival, I really, really had to alternate back and forth to give relief to either scrubbing hand, and plus, the pans were so big that it...
  2. deafdrummer

    ISIS publicly smashes Syrian artifacts

    This is a very serious development since the publication of a book, "Ayodhya and After..." by Koenraad Elst in 1991. Instead of the Muslim population softening, cracking, and softening in the face of owning up to its bloody past and its exclusivistic doctrine, it has hardened up and eventually...
  3. deafdrummer

    Church of Cannabis holds first service

    Interesting. Pot is also part of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster's tradition (adherents are called pastafarians), hence the gathering at 4 20 PM (they say to show up at 4 19). It takes $20-30 to become an ordained minister, and you take photographs of yourself and your congregation...
  4. deafdrummer

    Florida teacher who had sex with three teens sentenced to 22 years in prison

    Why are so many of these "handy" teachers women? I hear far more about them than I do male teachers.
  5. deafdrummer

    Do we need more Deaf Psychologists? Why or why not?

    OldeWolf, If you're thinking of Engineering, you need to seriously need to up your math skills or make sure you have a good aptitude for math. I got washed out partly for this reason. I simply didn't have the patience to slow down and learn the math step-by-step. However, I have noticed...
  6. deafdrummer

    HR2675 may allow for exact replicas of classic cars

    I wonder if it will bring back cars like the Isuzu Trooper, CJ-8 with full-length hard top, Land Rover Series II/Defender 110-130, 1970s Jeep Cherokee, Toyota Land Cruiser J45/47, etc. We'll see. I haven't expected to replace my Jeep Wrangler so far.
  7. deafdrummer

    McDonald’s closed due to bed bug problem

    Bed Bugs I guess a question is, if a bed bug gets on your factory-farmed cow who witnessed others ahead of it getting killed, and you eat it, does the bed bug survive the digestion process, or is it dead by the time you poop it out. That would be an advantage of being a true carnivore like a...
  8. deafdrummer

    Native Americans Say “No” to Gay Marriage

    I'm of the opinion in regards to the Cherokee Nation that yes, such nations have the right to retain their laws per their sovereignty, but if the Cherokee Nation chooses not to honor gay marriages, whether or not the US honors them (suppose the US didn't, for example), then to me, it is...
  9. deafdrummer

    to be proud of your country

    double post.
  10. deafdrummer

    to be proud of your country

    Wrong, Jiro! Karma continues to accumulate for the people of conqueror ancestry and who don't know what belies their actions in the world, especially when it comes to treatment of the Native Americans and people of color, and how they benefit from the conqueror status of their ancestors...
  11. deafdrummer

    New $10 bill.... who cares...

    Curious. What does that mean?
  12. deafdrummer

    to be proud of your country

    What leg does America have to stand on AT ALL, since it is based entirely upon the theft of land, fauna, and resources from the Native Americans, not to mention genocide and cultural arson, to even discuss pride, being a nation (as though we have been here since prehistoric times, like in...
  13. deafdrummer

    How do deaf make phone calls in the US?

    Sorry, I forgot to keep this updated. Sprint IP relay is running again. I've been using them for a while now.
  14. deafdrummer

    Texas Flooding

    Yep, we see it here. The boy and his dog died not far from where I am just south of DeSoto. We have had a LOT of rain. I'm told that we have had 18 consecutive days of rain somewhere within Texas. If it's not raining here, it sure enough is raining somewhere 7 or 8 counties over.
  15. deafdrummer

    What matters is what is in your heart....

    That's why you have to do the research on India. It depends on who you talk to.
  16. deafdrummer

    What matters is what is in your heart....

    I'll explain why. Maybe not fully, but I'll try to do this from an outsider's perspective. This is happening in western civilization where independence and individuality at the social level is emphasized. The severe reactions to being seen as someone needing help comes from a lack of "inner...
  17. deafdrummer

    If you had the money would you open an Papa Johns?

    No, uh-uh, I would not. I would use the money to get out of the western business environment and use the money to change society from within. It's happening, whether anyone realizes it or not. The money would just help speed things up a tiny bit. See ya on the flip-side.
  18. deafdrummer

    Moving to Austin

    What part of town is it in? $850 is high to me for rent, but of course, I come from the late 80s. Also, be sure to find out the demographics of your neighbors. One time, in a complex off Manchaca, I had Native American neighbors from somewhere south of the border (they were very dark with no...
  19. deafdrummer

    Multiple Deaths Reported In Shootout Between Rival Biker Gangs At Texas Marketplace

    How prescient! What, I think you have no idea how prescient your statement is! In Western civilization, we are considered to be in an upward or rising ascent as a human civilization while technology continues to be more "advanced" and technical. In Indic thought, the reverse is believed to...
  20. deafdrummer

    5yr old deaf child with no signing, no language. Help much appreciated!

    Namaste Bob and everyone. This caught my attention. I grew up exactly like him, only I was thought to be mentally retarded until they finally tested my hearing at seven and a half years old. Because I was caught fairly late, my memories already started forming permanently, which allowed me to...