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  1. E

    The beheading of James Foley :(

    While it seems religious in nature, all of this stems from politics. Way back when, the Middle East was one big area with smaller parts under control of various tribal leaders. Then came oil and we carved up the countries based on the oil. This fractured the cultural community and it's never...
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    Family wants to keep life support for girl brain dead after tonsil surgery

    Birth is dangerous. Statistically it's the most dangerous day of a woman's life, same for the baby. This is why I don't understand homebirthers.
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    Family wants to keep life support for girl brain dead after tonsil surgery

    An update on Jahi...If you look at this site, you can see that she's both not doing well and I feel her corpse is being used wrongly. Her family sits her up in positions to make it seem as if she's doing it herself. According to what's being said, there's two photos in particular that show her...
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    High School Student Confused on Old Sign Language Curriculum

    Also, you'll never pass an ASL fluency test if you're learning it from online static sources only. You need to actually sign with people. I would look into your local community college and see if they offer real ASL classes. Community colleges are generally very affordable and it's a great...
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    Hearing aids on ebay

    Do you work or are you trying to work or go to school? If so, have you tried your state's vocational rehab? Also, consider writing to the companies that make the hearing aids and explain your circumstances, they may offer the hearing aids at a much lower price. My county offers a shit ton of...
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    ATTN Sprint users!!

    Yeah, no kidding. Disruption means basically an interruption of what is going on. Businesses like to use disruptive innovation, which means making positive changes. Sprint plans to lower prices, finish updating the network and lower the cost of operating their system. They also plan to...
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    Woman offered job gets denied due to peanut allergy

    Pink peppercorn is used a LOT in perfumes. It's related to cashews, which is why people who have an allergy to cashews usually can't eat pink peppercorn. it's also related to sumac, which is in Indian food quite often. Sumac is also related to poison ivy, and people with nut allergies (well...
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    Comedy and actor Robin Williams died at aged 63

    My grandfather has Parkinson's and out of all the shit that's wrong with him, I think that is what bothers and depresses him most. This sounds cruel, but I'm eager for him to die. Two main reasons. One, he's an abusive old monster and my mother has wasted 11 years of her life caring for him...
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    Comedy and actor Robin Williams died at aged 63

    Oh, pish posh. I think of all people Robin William would laugh.
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    Comedy and actor Robin Williams died at aged 63

    I have a terrible joke and I'm not ashamed to post it. You know why he hung himself with a belt? Because his hands shook too much to tie a noose.
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    Dog the Bounty Hunter going after fugitive MMA fighter

    Dog is old and can't actually do the physical part of his bounty hunting anymore.
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    Woman offered job gets denied due to peanut allergy

    I have a nephew who is deathly allergic to peanuts, and he doesn't even have to eat them to go into anaphylaxis. That level of allergy is indeed covered under the ADA as a disability and requires accomodations.
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    Deaf woman sues NPR for employment discrimination

    If you look at the website, just about every single story on there has a transcript.
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    That Didn't End The Way We Expected It To

    Actually, snap traps ARE the most humane way to get rid of rodents. Your other options are poison and glue traps. The poison is basically warfarin and makes them bleed to death. When I did biological research, we could only use snap traps to catch rodents as specimens, both in and out of the...
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    Deaf woman sues NPR for employment discrimination

    Former intern sues NPR, alleging employment discrimination |
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    Hear ye, hear ye, a deaf attorney

    There was a deaf attorney that interviewed for a job as a law prof where my SIL teaches law.
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    NZ makes plans for ebola outbreak

    This dumbass is trying to insinuate that the kids from Central America could bring Ebola to the US. Indiana Congressman says immigrant kids might have Ebola : Elections
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    Chest freezer?

    The new bottom freezers are much easier to use now. They have trays that pull out and are sectioned in a way that stuff is able to be well organized.
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    Arizona inmate dies 2 hours after execution began

    I believe that was why the death penalty was declared unconstitutional in California.
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    Arizona inmate dies 2 hours after execution began

    China is actually starting to use lethal injection much more now.