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  1. Anne

    New person, but i'm shy person.

    Hello and Welcome to All Deaf! :wave: I am playing catch up after being AWOL for a while :( Pc crashed on me and had to reformat :( But I am back now :):):) Hugz Anne
  2. Anne

    Latest "Just Joined" post

    Hello and Welcome to AllDeaf! :wave: Hugz Anne
  3. Anne

    I am new...

    Hello and Welcome to AD :wave: Hugz Anne
  4. Anne

    Happy Birthday, Deafscuba!!

    :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday:
  5. Anne

    Will This Ever End???!!!

    :wtf: She shook her baby and bit her baby all because the baby bonded with its father??? That is what babies do, they develop a bond with their parents! Geez, that woman makes my blood boil!!! Maybe someone should shake her and bite her to see what it bloody feels like!!! :rl:
  6. Anne

    Howdy All!

    Welcome to AllDeaf! :wave: Hugz Anne
  7. Anne

    As a child

    I avoid family get-togethers because they just seem to talk amongst each other as if I don't exisit and I don't like visiting my father because he never talks to me face to face, he says something and my fiance repeats it to me. Only person who speaks to me face to face and slowly is my...
  8. Anne

    Hello From Oregon

    Hello and Welcome to AD! :wave:
  9. Anne

    Hi there! I am newbie here!

    Hello and Welcome to AD :wave:
  10. Anne

    Are you done with Christmas shopping?

    Today I have done the last of my food shopping!! Thank God!! Now I can rest and enjoy the holidays with my fiance! :D Anne
  11. Anne

    New Member

    Hello Kuifje75. Thank you for the welcome :D I am joining in slowly :) Merry Christmas! Anne
  12. Anne

    to be friends or not to be

    I am not friends with any of my ex's not even with my ex husband even though we have three children.
  13. Anne

    Happy Birthday Kevbo!

    Happy Birthday!!! :birthday: :birthday: :birthday:
  14. Anne

    Hello everyone~!

    Hello Roadrunner. Welcome to AD and Merry Chrsitmas to you too! :wave:
  15. Anne

    Sign in if you're proud to be Deaf

    Count me IN!!!
  16. Anne

    The Official Member Picture Thread

    I am so tired after going through all these pages but managed to post a recent picture of me..... not sure I like the pic :dunno:
  17. Anne

    pic of ur child

    I finally found a picture of my kids and I seem to be in nearly all of them :lol: left: Jessica 9, Oliver 7, then my eldest Jonathan 10.
  18. Anne

    Poor Dog did not want go to the Vet

    Must have been all those cancer pills he had to take for his bowel cancer that he was addicted too :lol:
  19. Anne

    a question

    Oh boy, thinking bout it gives me the creeps :cold: :cold:
  20. Anne

    Sorry!!I forgot Allow me introduce you 'bout me!

    Hello :wave: Welcome to AD :D Anne