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  1. M

    What kind of a world did you grow up in?

    Middle school seems to be a shithole universally. High school (currently for me) seems more like that I'm not being outright ignored or bullied since I demonstrate I'm fully capable but the physical loss makes it hard to start or keep a conversation with people especially when many of them just...
  2. M

    Walk Score (

    fifty five, it's surprising considering I live maybe a half mile away from a strip mall with absolutely everything you need :/ Is half a mile only "somewhat walkable" nowadays?
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    Sooooo FRUSTRATING!!!! I hate my new hearing aid.

    Ditto :P After I got my Naida hearing aid I was surprised at how loud some ordinary things were, I felt like a bomb went off after I set down a glass :shock: Anyways, it sounds like compression (check for moisture/wax in the tubes first.) I eventually had the compression turned down to 20%...
  4. M

    Blacks and HIV/AIDS

    Agreed. Too many people resign to their "genetic problems" which are often minute/controllable or a result of self delusion. The same can be said of other conditions too.
  5. M

    Blacks and HIV/AIDS

    Well it can't be generalized very much. This example is one of those where environmental factors can easily be controlled, but the same can't be said about having a genetically faulty immune system.
  6. M

    Obama Fried Chicken

    Either way he's getting the huge media attention and advertising that he set out for.
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    Kid's laptop hunter picks PC instead of Mac.

    This is probably the first good microsoft advertisement I've seen in a long time. Honestly it's about time they showed that Apple PCs are just overpriced glitter vessels. Who wants to spend thousands to get a computer comparable to a <$1000 computer that will actually be compatible with most...
  8. M

    Modern Tech & Ethics: Is artificial insemination of the dead OK?

    He can't give permission for his DNA to be used and it's unlikely that anyone would want a surgeon to cut some sperm out of his balls after he died so his mother can live out her fantasy of having a grandchild. The mother is likely just using this as an attempt to "reclaim" her dead son anyways.
  9. M

    13 year old boy becomes...

    There will always be parents who will either never talk to their kids about this or will only give them their conservative propaganda of "Don't have sex unless you're married otherwise you go to hell sinner" read mine. While parents should be teaching their kids about it I'd rather have schools...
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    Try contacting the insurance and stating that they're supposed to accept the claim under your agreement. Randomly sending out denials is a great way to cut costs and make profits.
  11. M

    Phonak Naida

    I've gotten mine about two weeks ago, after a mix up (SP Naida were received, no UP.) I have a Mod-sev hearing loss, and I ended up having the gain boosted well above the recommended setting. Overall, things sound clearer, a bit different from the sound recovery, the FM system reception works a...
  12. M

    Colour of hearing aids

    My new red ones beat beige by a long shot.
  13. M

    how is the deaf culture viewed?

    Hearing people don't care about Deaf culture except as a "How cute!" type of thing. You might do better to focus on prejudice between the deaf and the hearing rather than try to write up a topic that barely even exists.
  14. M

    Why the Pope opposes condoms

    Many people don't know they have HIV/AIDS or how it's spread, especially in Africa. This is a problem because it doesn't have any specific tell-tale symptoms, you can infect people well before you have AIDS. If people did what the pope said HIV/AIDS would be a much smaller problem, but I...
  15. M

    How To Explain Importance of Deaf Peers For Deaf Child?

    Do what it takes to stay with the deaf school. Better oral skills is a poor excuse for a school to try and pull a student out an environment where she's thriving so they can scam some money out of the government and toss her into the same system as everybody else with a little note to teacher.
  16. M

    Counties hike sales tax, feds hike tobacco tax

    Their life expectancy is higher because of their diet though, where asian people may be smoking we're eating deep fried foods and fatty burgers. I doubt higher prices will get people to stop smoking however, it sounds like the health officials just pulled stopping 15,000 people from smoking...
  17. M

    What Anime Have You Watched Lately?

    Ghost in the Shell is good, can't say about the sequels. Higurashi no naku koro ni (When They/Cicadas Cry) is a good series, sort of a mystery in a way. The time around the Watanagashi festival in the small village is played out several times with different viewpoints and somewhat different...
  18. M

    What Anime Have You Watched Lately?

    Anime generally has ridiculous filler, but more so to stretch it out and save money on animation.
  19. M

    "Sleep Study" Anyone?

    Sleep 2, the visionary sequel to Andy Warhol's cult classic. The stakes are higher than ever this time, the legs will not rest until dawn breaks. High above the action, the "doctors" lay in wait, watching for some sinister purpose. In a brief relief from the terrors of the last night, the victim...
  20. M

    Learning about the deaf culture

    that's contradictory but... *Most* hearing people have not become any more accepting or any less ignorant than they were twenty years ago. The only real differences that I've ever seen documented were increases in the use of CI's and HA's as well as the technology (mandatory acceptance by the...