Search results

  1. L I saw this dude last night...

    What an odd observation.
  2. L

    Baby Boomers Will Redefine Notions Of Age

    I'm sure they do, Botts! :) I just like to give my dad a hard time. ;)
  3. L

    Baby Boomers Will Redefine Notions Of Age

    :lol: I've told my dad I will be paying higher taxes because of him. He thinks it's hilarious. :P Apparently I also have to put him in a good nursing home. Little does he know what I've got planned. :cool2:
  4. L

    Baby Boomers Will Redefine Notions Of Age

    My dad is a baby boomer. There's a six year difference between my parents. The problem with the baby boomer generation is that they're going to suck up all of the free health care. Hello skyrocketing taxes!
  5. L

    So yeah.. the PFH goes to get a storage unit.

    That is the case, yes (bold).
  6. L

    So yeah.. the PFH goes to get a storage unit.

    Thanks, Sally. :) Also nice to see you again! :wave:
  7. L

    So yeah.. the PFH goes to get a storage unit.

    Indeed. You're not allowed inside of the storage unit.
  8. L

    So yeah.. the PFH goes to get a storage unit.

    Sorry, it's "Storage Wars". There's also "Auction Hunters".
  9. L

    What are you thinking about? Part IV

    I've noticed there to be a couple now. :) It seems like some people are just looking for a fight.
  10. L

    So yeah.. the PFH goes to get a storage unit.

    Nice. A lot of people make a living out of that. Have you ever seen "Auction Wars"?
  11. L

    What are you thinking about? Part IV

    Thinking that my seasonal employer better not be giving away all of our jobs. :mad:
  12. L

    curious, 1 of 3 believes in ghosts. Do you?

    I've never seen one, but I've heard a lot of stories. I'm not sure what to believe.
  13. L

    Canada Election 2011

    The guy who runs in our riding is a bit of a tool. He's been involved in the region's municipal politics as well. It didn't work out for him.
  14. L

    Canada Election 2011

    We had the Libertarian Party on our ballot. Nothing like a little anarchy.
  15. L

    Canada Election 2011

    61.4% voter turnout. What's your opinion: Is compulsory voting in Canada's future?
  16. L

    Canada Election 2011

    Like Souggy, I would not have minded a NDP/Liberal coalition. It was when they were getting the Bloc involved that I was not happy.