Search results

  1. Hutt5asl

    No Worries

    Hmmm... I couldn't find anything online... Maybe sign "worry" but shake your head 'no' ? Or use a sign like "that's cool" which I have seen here on the east coast... Let us know if you come up with one.
  2. Hutt5asl


    Welcome Joseph!
  3. Hutt5asl

    Introduce me

    Welcome Jeffery!
  4. Hutt5asl

    Aaarggghh! Breyer's Ice Cream!

    Yeah, I hate using those artificial sweeteners... heard too many bad things about using them. I figure, God made sugar so it can't be THAT bad for ya! Haha!
  5. Hutt5asl

    Good news ???

    Yay!! Congratulations!!
  6. Hutt5asl

    Another noob to darken the doorstep.

    Welcome Paige. I have started college classes to become an Interpreter as well. Good luck in your journey. :)
  7. Hutt5asl

    Hi people! i'm Sas

    Welcome Sas!
  8. Hutt5asl

    Hello from NJ!

    Welcome CAPDLady! I'm also from NJ. :)
  9. Hutt5asl

    Hi, I'm Miri

    Welcome Phoebe!
  10. Hutt5asl

    My names Matt :)!

    Welcome Matt! (Ha! that sounds funny.... 'welcome mat'... LOL)
  11. Hutt5asl

    New here

    Welcome back
  12. Hutt5asl

    Hello from Texas

    Welcome Ricky
  13. Hutt5asl

    Hi everybody! I'm Kodi :]

    Hi Kodi. :wave:
  14. Hutt5asl

    Hello from California

  15. Hutt5asl

    Prayers Needed

    So sorry to hear that... I'll send prayers.
  16. Hutt5asl

    Hi there!

    Welcome Jessica!
  17. Hutt5asl

    Hello from Colorado! :D

    Welcome Markie!
  18. Hutt5asl

    Hi I'm Stian...ASL student

    Welcome Stian! I've taken 1 semester of ASL, and starting Interpreter Training in the Fall. If you'd like to practice, my Skype name is lauren.hutt5asl My schedule is kind of crazy, but if we're online at the same time, I'd like to practice. :)