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  1. sillycat

    US Citizens to be Required ''Clearance'' to Leave USA

    Prez Bush won't care becuz his people sneaked patriot 1 and 2 the night before the vote. Just more of the same thing here with new travel restrictions...
  2. sillycat

    The guy is CRAZY!!!!

    lol. Heath got black sense of humor! The banana guy is totally idiot and could get himself killed. I think someone dared him to light himself up.
  3. sillycat

    Here is some very exciting news!!!!

    Congrats and good luck! :fingersx:
  4. sillycat

    10 Most Dangerous Cities in the USA

    Im surprised they didn't list Los Angeles as one of the most dangerous cities. Los Angeles County now have about 12 million people!!:eek3:
  5. sillycat

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes!

    If person's tempture goes up to 103 or over then your brain is fried. If your tempture gets close to 103, go to the ER--some hospitals will take people with no insurance and not worry abt paying the bill. Ive had to spit some green stuff out when I was getting over the flu in the past...its...
  6. sillycat

    Three letter words game

  7. sillycat

    Have anyone voted today??

    Not vote cuz sick with cold. *cough,cough*
  8. sillycat

    US Citizens to be Required ''Clearance'' to Leave USA

    My viewpoint is that every time the gov't erodes our privacy and our rights as citizens such as Patriot 1 & 2, it can be a double-eded sword. The gov't passes those laws and uses it for a variety of purposes that the public may or may not know depending on what info. the gov't chooses to let the...
  9. sillycat

    UPS Employee Caught Stealing from Customers Say Authorities

    That is old news. There are some workers who steal stuff all the time in places such as Post Office, airlines (baggage), UPS, etc. Always lock up your suit cases and take your valuables with you onto the plane, bus, train when travelling. If you lose stuff, report it right away...hopefully, you...
  10. sillycat

    US Citizens to be Required ''Clearance'' to Leave USA

    This article reminds me of another article I read today that our gov't will start using the largest database to check out the truckers and on foot traffic crossing our borders. They say they're doing this to catch drug traffickers and terrorists. So this will be the next security measures or...
  11. sillycat

    Haggard Admits To Sex With Gay Hustler

    That preacher man is lying big time when he admitted to having a massage from a male prositute and buying drugs but not use it?? Huh...he must think us sheeple are dummies to believe that bull. I am sure he did more than that and I feel sorry for his wife and family to suffer.
  12. sillycat

    What other forums....

    Here is a nasty forum I found and if you have strong stomach, check it out at: The PoopReport Forums :: Index
  13. sillycat

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes!

    I hate getting sick on the fun holidays and other fun events!! I got the stomach flu once on Christmas Day and a nasty flu on my college graduation day (later that nite at my sister's house, thank God!). I came down with a cold on the way to camping last friday...damn. I had to get motel...
  14. sillycat

    Only for first Deaf/Deaf marriage

    Nope...Im with a deaf man. Ive dated hearing man years ago and it didn't work out becuz he was afraid to be around lots of deafies. He made excuses to get out of going to deaf events so I decided I rather find a deaf/hoh man. By the way, Im hoh.
  15. sillycat

    Who next new President at Gally???

    What about Howard Stern?? He would be great fun as president--bringning strippers and other wierdos to entertain the students and definitely will attract more new students to Gally!!
  16. sillycat

    Bush: Waiting to be attacked

    I dont know anymore since Bush came to power as President. Im getting my brains washed so thoroughly that I can't tell a lie from truth from the White House. I think Im losing a few IQ points...
  17. sillycat

    what kind of jobs do u do?

    I agree about our economy being in depression and our gov't is feeding us a line of bull. Also our media is owned by a several owners so there is a lack of good reporting/truth by our media. I am sure you are reading more accurate info. from european media about USA.
  18. sillycat

    what kind of jobs do u do?

    Ive been hearing that rumor that SSI will be cut off for years. Its not true and I doubt that will happen. Only way for SSI to stop is when the whole social security system fall apart and cannot pay all the people enrolled into the system. Then we are all in deep sh*t becuz that means our...
  19. sillycat


    I worked in Burger King many years ago during summer break from college. I wore an ugly brown polyester uniform which was almost too tight around my boobs. I was "hostess" but really it was more of janitor job--I tried work the front, taking orders but it was too hard for me. The pay...
  20. sillycat

    Jane Fernandes - gone!

    Marlee Matlin for Gally President!! :dance2: She can entertain y'all!! She can follow Ronald Reagan's footsteps as actress becoming Prez.