Search results

  1. Lantana

    How Can You Love God and Hate Someone ?

    At least the JW have a very good Sign Language program for their congregation who are interested. I cannot say that for other religions. That is what impresses me. I just don't like the way they kick people out of their church when they "sin". I thought that is what a church is for...
  2. Lantana

    Cooking Steak in the Oven

    Steak in the oven? Hmm, it is smokey and messy! I would not advise it at all. Nothing wrong with cooking steak outside in the wintertime! I have an indoor grill, do not care for it, as I prefer my steak rare. Put on your earmuffs and cook outside in the fresh air.
  3. Lantana

    Breaking the rainfall record with a bang!

    I can ID with you Seq, as you know, I also live in the Pacific Northwest. But on the Coast. But all this rainfall is great for your complexion, keeps you young!
  4. Lantana

    did you have hard time with doctor?

    Hmm, doctors in emergency rooms are usually interns and many of them have been awake and working for at least 12 hours, sometimes more. It is true that there should be a better understanding of people with disabilities in an emergency room. Did you ask at the desk for an interpreter...
  5. Lantana

    Psst..Banjo- come in here! :)

    Wow, Banjo you have alot of friends here! Wink, wink. 'Better than some places. Hope you had a good one! You lost weight, you graduated from college, you have a wonderful job, a new car and good health! What more could you ask for?!?
  6. Lantana

    Population of city/town where you live at?

    The population of our town is: 9,357 The population of the town where our farm is: 1,370. Here we have NO STOP LIGHTS!
  7. Lantana

    Does Anyone Still Use Dial Up?

    We have acreage over in Washington State and I only go there occasionally, so yes, I do have dialup over there, for my laptop because nothing else is available. It is a "one horse town". I feel very lucky to have it for my laptop, particularly in the wintertime when I am stuck indoors. But...
  8. Lantana

    How wet was it in...

    I am on the Oregon Coast, 3 blocks from the ocean. I have never seen it rain as hard as it did last night! Today the sun is shining, just like Spring. Our electricity was out for 2 hours. I heard that Seattle got it worse than we did. You guys are surrounded by water. Beautiful...
  9. Lantana

    what do you when you are lonely...

    Is there somewhere in your area where you can take Sign Language? A college or something like that. Hearing people who take Sign Language always welcome someone to practice on! It would be a good start. Good luck, we care!
  10. Lantana

    Household Signalers For Deaf

    I am not happy with my Simplicity (Ultratec) signalers. I spent several hundred dollars on these things only to find out that they will not work appropriately on a "strip" or any kind of surge protector in the house. We live in an area where we MUST have a surge protector on our electrical...
  11. Lantana

    For JW (Jehovah's Witness) supporters

    Hmm, this forum which began with someone's interest (or non interest) in J.W. has gone far astray. I just want to say, personally, I have no problem with the JW religion. We have alot of them in my area, some deaf, some hearing. ALL can Sign. They do not try to convert me. I...
  12. Lantana

    Close Down Gallaudet!!!!

    Hmm, I am not going to take sides here. However perhaps the students AND their parents would be acting differently if THEY actually had to pay for their own college education and not the Government?
  13. Lantana

    Donate to Treacher Collins Syndrome

    I once had a very close friend who had T.C. Back in those days there was no label for it and none of us really knew what was wrong with our friend. Thanks to the Internet, I have learned a great deal. I always thought that my friend died of a broken heart. I used to catch her looking in...
  14. Lantana

    What is best horror movie you ever seen?

    "The Birds" was one of the first and I will never forget it.
  15. Lantana


    Hello! I was born in South Central L.A. 'Huntington Park to be exact. But that was a long, long time ago and things have changed since then! I lived with my parents in South Gate (Victoria Ave.) when I was a child until we moved to Washington State. Glad to meet you.
  16. Lantana


    Deafies find it difficult to go to a movie theatre on a date because there are no captions on most theatre movies. We have to wait until they come out in DVD.
  17. Lantana

    How do you feel about Terps

    I think there is a big misconception between ASL and Minimum language skills. How many of you terps can interpret for MLS without a reverse interpreter?
  18. Lantana

    hello from calif north coast

    Welcome to you -- from the OREGON Coast! We are almost neighbors!
  19. Lantana

    How do you feel about Terps

    I have found, over the years that I dislike having terps that I socialize with. I do not want to know my interpreter well enough to consider them a FRIEND. I prefer someone whom I have never seen before, particularly socially. If you want to be an interpreter that is great, but have a social...
  20. Lantana

    "You mind writing that down"?

    We absolutely LOVE body language! You can always use "home Signs" until you get the drift of it. Example: "chicken" -- be a chicken with your "wings" flapping.