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  1. iMaisie

    Frustrated With My University

    Tell me about it. As far as I'm aware it doesn't infringe on my rights because the Uni believe they gave me the chance at the start of the term and I 'didn't take it'. Haha! Thank you :D That's nice to hear considering most people I know say I'm very immature for my age as I'm very playful and...
  2. iMaisie

    Frustrated With My University

    Lol! Sorry about that. I'm sure you're aging like a fine wine - better with age :cheers: Technically he's old to me as I'm only 21. Yes, we have to fill out request forms every term for any additional help (note taker, terp, etc..) otherwise they'll assume we don't need anything.
  3. iMaisie

    Frustrated With My University

    He's pretty old. I'd say somewhere around 60-65. He's pretty set in his ways. Yeah, he's a total jerk face. Some of his comments are just so ignorant and can be quite hurtful and even derogatory. Our term ends in the middle of June. But the university says that their policy is that all...
  4. iMaisie

    Frustrated With My University

    Basically that it's not his job to make our lives easier by uploading his notes, and that he lectures classes for a reason. He loves to go on and on about how we rely on technology too much but honestly, tech is my saviour :bowdown:- without it, I'd basically be failing all my classes. He's...
  5. iMaisie

    Frustrated With My University

    Honestly frustrated is putting it lightly... The manner in which my uni conducts themself is infuriating. Basically, I've never used a terp before, right? I tend to just have a note taker who when the lecturer starts talking, my note taker basically writes the important parts down for me and...
  6. iMaisie

    Hearing Girl Looking For Cool New Friends

    I'm 21 (22 in July) so just over your age range that you specified :aw: Welcome to AllDeaf!
  7. iMaisie

    6 Years Ago Today, I Married My Wife.

    Wow! Happy Anniversary!
  8. iMaisie

    Hey All :)

    :welcome: Yes please! Post piccies of the lovely pets you have, if you can :)
  9. iMaisie

    Happy Birthday Reba!

  10. iMaisie

    What was the last movie you watched?

    I actually just finished watching this today. It was an interesting movie to say the least. Pretty much your typical - psycho terrorises woman who lives in a house in the middle of no where kind of thing. I enjoyed Kate Siegel's character as her acting was on par. Her signing was excellent...
  11. iMaisie

    Most Users Ever Online Was 3,322, 01-25-13 At 01:20 Pm.

    Thanks for having me :fingersx:
  12. iMaisie

    Wow Hello Everyone!!!...

    Sometimes I forget how bad the gun crime is over there. I wouldn't even think about carrying a gun here. Most I'd carry is hair spray (We're not allowed Mace here).
  13. iMaisie

    Windows Pc Users Warned To Remove Quicktime Immediately

    Interesting... I doubt it'll be long before some low-life exploits this bug :pissed:
  14. iMaisie

    Asl Interpreter Requirements

    What about 'Communications' as a major? Is that an option there? In Scotland we have the opportunity to take Modern Languages with an addition of BSL or we can take a Communications Degree while double majoring in BSL.
  15. iMaisie

    15,000th Post And So Long Alldeaf!!!!!

    I don't feel so bad now with my mediocre - 80 friends :applause:
  16. iMaisie

    Slowly Losing Hearing...

    :welcome: Have you been the docs yet to check out your ears and test what frequency you're hearing at, OP? You might want to do that first :)
  17. iMaisie

    A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

    Feeling upset with my life. I think it's time for a change...
  18. iMaisie

    For Da Ladies

    Strange. I'd post another link but I fear it'll probably be blocked as well. I dunno, I guess cause it's a UK advert? Sorry guys :aw:
  19. iMaisie

    Great Day Out

    Wow! They look like they could belong to fairies if they weren't so big. Maybe even some sort of Forest creature - if you're into fantasy like I am. You guys look like you had a great time fishing! That river looks beautiful :eek: