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  1. LuciaDisturbed

    Gunmen rape 6 tourists near Acapulco, Mexico

    That's horrible. I'm afraid to go to Mexico because of the drug cartels, even though I live only about 3 hours from the Mexican border.
  2. LuciaDisturbed

    Shoe shiner donates $200,000 in tips to children's hospital.

    That's awesome. I want to handshake this guy too!
  3. LuciaDisturbed

    When a skin condition is "contagious"?

    That's horrible. The manager should have more respect for the kids with the skin condition.
  4. LuciaDisturbed

    Naked man locked out of his hotel room. *CENSORED & VIDEO*

    Bwhahahaha, what a dumbass!:laugh2::giggle:
  5. LuciaDisturbed

    Students Who Refuse to Affirm Transgender Classmates Face Punishment

    I was bullied a lot for being lesbian at my school for the deaf. It sucked. I was only one of like 5 gay students at the school.
  6. LuciaDisturbed

    Students Who Refuse to Affirm Transgender Classmates Face Punishment

    I've met and known plenty of transgenders. I even know one who cut his dick off because he was meant to be a woman.
  7. LuciaDisturbed

    Students Who Refuse to Affirm Transgender Classmates Face Punishment

    There are vouchers for private schools. My ex-girlfriend's two younger sisters went to private school on vouchers and their family were very poor.
  8. LuciaDisturbed

    Students Who Refuse to Affirm Transgender Classmates Face Punishment

    I'm a woman and I've used the men's restroom when I had to pee so bad and there were a very long line for the women's restroom. I can pass for a man when I want to. It was at Pridefest. I like to dress like a man sometimes and even wear a fake goatee when I feel like it.
  9. LuciaDisturbed

    Students Who Refuse to Affirm Transgender Classmates Face Punishment

    That sucks. I think transgenders should be allowed to use the restroom of their choice and not face discrimination.
  10. LuciaDisturbed

    Texas Teen Wins Right to Give Birth Over Parents’ Objections

    Good for her. I support her. My own mother was only 16 years old when she had me and she raised me well and taught me a lot about life.
  11. LuciaDisturbed

    Women fired after having cancer; boycott?

    That's horrible!
  12. LuciaDisturbed

    Fish Fry

    I like catfish. I've caught a couple of big ones while fishing in Arkansas. They are yummy. My dad is from Arkansas and we went to Arkansas like 5 times a year. I missed a lot of school to go there.
  13. LuciaDisturbed

    Fish Fry

    I've gone to Door County so many times I've lost count!
  14. LuciaDisturbed

    Fish Fry

    OMG I used to go to Door County all the time. I'm from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I love going to restaurants that have Friday night Fish Fry. I would order "Poor Man's Lobster" which is Cape Cod fish. So yummy! I unfortunately don't know how to cook fish but I know how to fish. I live in Texas now...
  15. LuciaDisturbed

    Do you love your job?

    My name in Arabic is Anbar.
  16. LuciaDisturbed

    Apartment won't fix my unit

    Really? I was able to change my address with the PO for free three weeks ago.
  17. LuciaDisturbed

    Apartment won't fix my unit

    Thank god I live in a one-floor house, not an high-rise apartment. And the rent is only $410 per month. I just moved in three weeks ago on Feburary 7th.