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    Hi from Chicago!

    Used to live in chicago suburbs (northwest Suburbs by O'hare) but now currently live in Colorado. Welcome to AllDeaf
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    Electrolysis or Hair Remove

    Duct tape to ur balls and rip off the hair *bites on pillow*
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    Things that drives you CRAZY....

    also i have a old lady that lives downstairs below us, she is the one that ride me up the sequioas tree. she is abt 80s and is alwayts Paranoid calls landlord on us saying we make noise and vaccum at 3am. Bullshyt!!!! what bothers me is that she peeks everytime we leave or come home she would...
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    Things that drives you CRAZY....

    what drives me nuts is that Nozobo leaves his clothes on the floor then why did I buy a laundry basket for?? hate small places cuz it hard to keep it clean ahhhhh. Junk mails coming into the mailbox, waste of paper etc. and sales person calls and i just tell them to get a real job
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    Empress is gone for now.

    OHHHH REALLY???? your retired from the AD, theres a party at my place and everyone is invited!!! *scoffs yeah right*
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    Free informations-help!

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    Let's play game...I wish that I...

    I wish it was July so i can move in our dream home,
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    Sins In The Church

    I do the excatly same thing, i just keep things between me and god!
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    NEW limited poll on sexually explicit avatars & signatures

    I have to agree with Sequoias!!! Eve, your looking for attention, and make sure Adam give ya some attention and let this sexually explicit avatar alone
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    any easter fav candy??

    ooohhhh...we gotta raid all of walmart for Reese easter eggs candies QUOTE=Cheri]I like the Reese easter eggs peanut butter cups. :thumb:
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    What Magazines do YOU like to read?

    I read is, People, Star, Men health magaizne, entermaiment, i usually read them when im on the plane to keep me busy not paranoid
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    Dumb access denial excuses for your service dog

    Does your have MUST have a cerficate, like for example my family dog does not have one and it do bark at door to get my attention or he nudges for my attention when there is noise and someone is calling my name. and i took him to my place and landlord said NO and this lady that works with dogs...
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    Your country of birth

    Just let ya know we had the same teacher in Illinois and went to the same school as you and cheri did. :angel:
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    Pizza Restaurants

    Since this thread was brought up and heck its friday I'll order Pizza tonight :giggle:
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    Pizza Restaurants

    i vote for Pizza hut, as in my home state Illinois they have pizza place called Giordano's ...Chicago best deep Dish pizza, and geo's and Gizzle's Pizza. and a family owned pizza is called Mama Maria i cant remmy whats it called
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    New Season of Ghost Hunters 2Night (2/15)

    YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs. I love that show just done reading about Haunted Heritage and book on Mytrle Plantation. thanks for remind me. AJ, whats ur favorite show on the Ghost hunter, my was the one in Jail when they caught footage on a ghost walking across the jail hall
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    Joseph Mesa....

    Is Joesph Mesa the murder at Gallaudet that killed 2 student??
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    I am daydreaming......

    I am daydreaming about what our new home will look like when its all done and ready to move in.