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  1. bree

    Work and travel aboard Ireland!

    Is that sarcasm? Hard to tell online. Mackintosh == raincoat. A type of one, anyway.
  2. bree

    so i tried to be a "veggie"

    As a vegetarian of quite long standing myself, I think I can solve this problem for you. =) The first is that any drastic change in diet sometimes does affect your body in a negative way. I know that if I started to eat meat now, my body would totally reject it, and I WOULD throw up. As Lasza...
  3. bree

    Bush Suffers Cuts, Bruises While Biking AWWWWW!!

    This is why politics and religion don't mix. =) I strongly feel that using religion to support political candidates is destructive to democracy. Democracy is founded on the idea that each person has the right to think and vote in the way they choose. Using religion co-opts this process. The...
  4. bree

    Work and travel aboard Ireland!

    I was in Ireland a few years ago, and met my cousin, who is also deaf. =) ISL uses a similar Alphabet as ASL, with just a few minor twists. The language seems more close to BSL, though. As far as I know, there is nothing about ISL online. US ATMs work, although the money is automatically...
  5. bree

    Deaf man arrested for homicide

    As long as you know its not a good idea =)
  6. bree

    Deaf News

    The BEST source of news related to the deaf would probably be through google. Google has a news section that is searchable through keywords. They can email you 'alerts' based on these keywords. I subscribe to a variety of alerts, based on different deaf related keywords. (deaf, hearing...
  7. bree

    Deaf man arrested for homicide

    Please DON'T copy and paste newspaper articles. You have to get permission to do this, and usually newspapers charge money to allow it. (around $500 or so). AllDeaf can get in trouble for this! Link to the stories.
  8. bree

    Deaf man arrested for homicide

    I have posted up some information about this. Deaf man kills girlfriend More or less the same information as shown here, but there's two new facts I was able to gather. The first is that Lambert is now being charged with first degree murder. The second is to confirm what people have...
  9. bree

    Bush or Kerry? And WHY?

    Whooo! flame war! =) I would like to make a suggestion. If you are going to use text from somewhere else, LINK to it. Reposting stuff can actually be copyright infringement. It simply is sticky to have such things reposted. Besides, its a pain to read such long things. And no fun to have an...
  10. bree

    Saudis tie gas prices to election

    I almost pissed in my pants when I heard this. Not sure if entirely true, but if it is, its the most blatant and disgusting manipulation of the economy for political gain I have ever seen. Link Effectively, the Saudis have said they will wait until closer to the election to lower gas prices...
  11. bree

    Bush or Kerry? And WHY?

    I'm biased against Bush, obviously. ADA is a law, so Bush or Kerry have to follow that law. The only problem with the ADA is how it would be enforced. Thats the Justice Department's role. While Bush isn't directly responsible for this, he is responsible for selecting who runs the department...
  12. bree

    Bush or Kerry? And WHY?

    Thanks for the compliment. I do agree that Bush did take some initial steps towards fighting back at terrorism. Unfortunately, he dropped the ball just as the going went tough. What happens in Afghanistan now? No American cares any longer. Where's the terrorists? Its been three years, and bin...
  13. bree

    Bush or Kerry? And WHY?

    POLITICS!! yay! the age old subject that is sure to inflame passions. should i don my flame-resistant suit? sure! Taxes: To correct an issue, kerry wants to raise taxes FOR THE RICH, and CUT them for the middle class. While bush? cutting taxes is a solution for everything. want to...
  14. bree

    Anyone know PHP?

    PHP isn't too tough to learn, but its still a language, which takes time to learn. one-on-one tutoring sessions wouldn't be really practical unless you are talking about more than a dozen sessions. What I would suggest is reading up some more and practice, practice, practice. O'reilly is one...
  15. bree

    Whats so wrong with CI????

    My primary objections to CI's are not technological, they are social. While a Cochlear Implant is quite an interesting technology, people's perception of them is often of a 'cure-all'. My girlfriend teaches ASL classes, and often brings me in to explain deaf culture. One of the questions I tend...
  16. bree

    Being Adopted, Would You....

    I'm not adopted myself, but I grew up pretty close to it. Both my parents are social workers, and ran an adoption program until recently. They also adopted 11 kids, so they had both lots of theoretical and practical experience. I presume some of their info rubbed off on me, but I don't claim to...
  17. bree

    Hooked on RSS!

    I'm late to the party.. as usual. =) Lets see if i can explain and demonstrate RSS well.. RSS is all about SYNDICATION. Which means "hey, i have something here, let's share it so other people can read it elsewhere". RSS just hands out a really basic list of html code that gives a summary...
  18. bree

    XP vs OS X

    The Bell curve is useful in evaluating people because that is how things usually occur, with a few people at the 'top' and bottom' of the curve. Unfortunately, with computers, the majority is not computer inclined, so as to be at the BOTTOM, not the middle. What is worse is that you have people...
  19. bree

    XP vs OS X

    Sorry if i wasn't clear, Magatsu, but I primarily replying to VamPyroX's implication that Mac users are at the low end of the bell curve. You are right in that simplicity and complexity are (at least somewhat) a matter of perspective. But what I was trying to refer to is the matter of Design...
  20. bree

    XP vs OS X

    *sigh* Let me repeat: its hard to make something simple, yet remain complex. That is exactly the aim of any sort of intelligent designer. There was recently an argument on this very subject, ignited by an article by Eric S. Raymond. (The guy behind GNU software). Raymond argues in The...