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  1. D

    I you could make a law for hearies to learn 10 signs, what would be most important?

    cool. I think you are right. so that makes 2 so far. Call 911, and where is the bathroom.
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    My daughter wants to come home.

    That sounds like a good idea.
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    I you could make a law for hearies to learn 10 signs, what would be most important?

    I think you are right. Top priority. I was also thinking that they should be able to understand what they do wrong when people are trying to read lips,, you know, like turning away and all of the other stuff like chewing etc.
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    I you could make a law for hearies to learn 10 signs, what would be most important?

    What do you think would be the most important signs, or phrases that all hearing people should be able to understand.?
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    Deafbajagal's poem "Sister"

    thanks for sharing this wondeful piece. I am surprised that you have not done anything with it yet, like publishing it somewhere. Do you have more? Maybe you could submit a short book of poetry if you have some more to put with it. You should share your gift. That is why you have it...for...
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    Hello From Oregon!

    TY, I will let her know. Her name is Amy. She is way cool. Have a good one.
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    Why the World Hates the US?

    Have you read the books from the weapons inspectors who were IN COUNTRY when Bush pulled them out to start shock and awe? It is pretty compelling evidence that Sadam was comlying with all requests.
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    Why the World Hates the US?

    It is pretty apparent that power and money has clouded the logic and morals of our government. The sad thing is that they do it in our name, or in the name of God. No wonder no other countries trust us. I don't trust my own government,, and that is really sad. Where has our American values...
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    Ugh.. Being Deaf Sucks

    Forgive me for butting in, but that is just "INEXCUSABLE" and you need to let her supervisor know before she does it to someone else. She won't lose her job this time, but maybe her supervisor will let her know better. I am sorry that she did that. If you acted like that at your job, you...
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    An Hearing Person Comes Up To You And Say "What's that?" OR "Is that a hearing aid?"

    Right on Vamp... Have you ever seen someone in a wheelchair or in a cast or something, and you were just curious about what happened to them. You weren't judging them or anything, just curious. Actually, it is almost a compliment for someone to ask you what is up with your implant or aid cuz...
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    Top Deaf Issue Concerns A Presidential Candidate Needs To Know

    Truly, hearing people need to be educated. I read an interesting article by Susan Rose about introducing kids books at preschool level to teach hearing kids and teachers about deaf issues, signing and aids etc. Hearing kids are more likely to work at communicating with Deaf kids in school if...
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    Nevada first time has School for Deaf

    How can they get away with that??? Or why would they want to? I just don't get it... Who is behind fighting against the Deaf schools.??????
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    AllDeaf will reach 1,000,000 posts soon

    At the foot of the master..... :):)
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    Hello From Oregon!

    Isn't that way coooool? It is so neat that the internet can join everyone. :) Hope you are having a rockin weekend.. We had really nice weather down here today, how about you? Do you ever get down into Oregon? It is nice to meet both of you.
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    Hello From Oregon!

    Wow, you are from Oregon Hi, I see that you are from Oregon. So am I. I am doing the interpreter's program. I have a friend that just graduated from Chemeketa. She only got one year of ASL, but she really fell in love with the Deaf community during that time. She has to move to...
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    A Short Poem Written By Me :)

    :) :):)
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    Kids Learn To Sign To Reach Out To Deaf Classmate

    that is SOOOOO cooooool! Half way. :) See me smile
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    Do you have a hearing dog?

    These are the type of things that should have government funding! Smoke alarms are a safety issue!!!!
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    Kennedy clan´s history

    Amen to that. Our current system has been bought and paid for in some instances. I was hoping that tragedies such as these cause repentence and a change of actions and attitudes. I am thinking the test is in the fruits since the life-changing incidents. Did Ted go on to raise minimum wage...