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  1. Holly

    What is the alexander graham bell company?

    Thanks guys, I have a good understanding of it now!!!
  2. Holly

    Two worlds

    They've obviously never seen two people signing to eachother either, if they had they would know its more than just "waving your hands"...its a LANGUAGE!
  3. Holly

    What is the alexander graham bell company?

    Just call me stupid and uneducated... I know a lot of deaf and hoh people don't like that company, but why? I thought about looking up the information online but I didn't want to get any tainted information. I thought it'd be best to get it straight from the source! Whats so wrong with the AGB...
  4. Holly

    my friends thought...

    I think the idea is that if you get pulled over or there is a license check then the police officer will know you are deaf, so they don't think you are being rude or uncooperative by asking them to repeat things or not responding.
  5. Holly

    Some poems of mine...

    Well, I'm not deaf, i'm hearing, so I haven't written anything about first hand deaf experiences:) And thanks, I will put more on here in the future! And thanks everyone else!
  6. Holly

    Some short jokes I heard today...

    Haha!!! good one!
  7. Holly

    Pepsi's New Super Bowl Deaf Ad

    Sorry, I thought I did check but I must've missed them...or I'm too stupid to see them lol
  8. Holly

    Pepsi's New Super Bowl Deaf Ad

    Just wondering what you guys think of that pepsi commercial? If you haven't seen it, here it is...sorry I don't know how to make it available right here. YouTube - Bob's House -- Pepsi's new Super Bowl Ad what do you guys think of it? I'm a hearie and I personally thought it was...
  9. Holly

    Some short jokes I heard today...

    Here are some of mine: A guy is sitting in a movie theatre when another much taller guy sits down in front of him, the first guy says, "excuse me, you're blocking my vision!" The second guy says, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were having one!" A husband and wife are taking a walk when...
  10. Holly

    How about this... Big Brother reality show with only deafies in the same house?

    haha, now I would definitely watch that! But how about this: throw in one hearing person who doesn't know any signs and has limited exposure to deaf people...haha! talk about your drama!
  11. Holly

    Stupid question...difference between deaf and Deaf?

    that may seem like a stupid question but I have to find out. is deaf with a lower case "d" hoh? or something else? what do both of these mean?
  12. Holly

    Two worlds

    I was first officially introduced into the deaf culture when I started taking ASL classes a year ago. I had a really good teacher who has a lot of friends in the deaf community and works as an interpreter, etc. She not only taught us asl but also introduced us to the deaf culture. I had...
  13. Holly

    A Mitch Hedberg Joke that relates to deaf folk

    haha! i laugh because I do the same thing:) I mumble to myself about stupid little things all the time!
  14. Holly

    Some poems of mine...

    Thanks:) No they aren't published, but thanks for the idea!
  15. Holly

    Reasons behind oralism

    yeah, many CODAs, siblings of deaf children, parents of deaf children, etc... don't realize what a value and blessing it is to be able to be involved in both hearing and deaf cultures.
  16. Holly

    How Does the Real World View the Profoundly Deaf?

    My point exactly! Its not that they didn't have the ability, its that they weren't given the opportunity.
  17. Holly

    How Does the Real World View the Profoundly Deaf?

    you're absolutely right! that is insulting! Although it probably stems from a long long time ago, before sign language and hearing aids, when educators just didn't know how to teach deaf people. So, being uneducated, they weren't as book smart as others their age. And in many cases they were...
  18. Holly

    Deaf children and hearing parents...why don't the parents learn sl?

    Completely agreed flip, I was just posting an honest to goodness question. I didn't mean for it to turn into this!