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  1. G


    I did one of the cardio workouts. Didn''t seem too hard, although I couldn't do the Dreya rolls. I have been running for about a year and half and lifting for about a year now, though. My gym is rather pricey and I'm not sure its worth the money. My roomate has it and I may just give it ago...
  2. G

    21st Birthday soon...plans?

    You can do a Toga party.
  3. G

    "Friend Zone" - Watch Out!!!

    What would you do with your male friends?
  4. G

    religions and incomes

    It dosn't surprise me that Hindus and Buddhists make more on average. As of late we are only letting in the more highly skilled immigrants from those countries(India and East Asia), while we let in lower skilled immigrants from Latin America.
  5. G

    Woman Will Marry for Health Insurance

    I didn't have health insurance for the past 8 years, but now I have insurance through Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Texas, but haven't had occassion to use it. I actually busted my pinky a few months ago but never went to get it set, now I think its a bit deformed.
  6. G

    What is love?

    YouTube - What is love? Just had to do it :lol:
  7. G

    Pics of you - Part V

    Thanks, I like the one of you and your sis. Maybe I can remove the red eyes from the pic for you, I've done that before... That is my uncle! But seriously, I am a half guinea, so we could be distant cousins...
  8. G

    Pics of you - Part V

    Me at the Saints-Skins game back in December:
  9. G

    What is love?

    Its when you care about the other person at least as much as yourself.
  10. G

    Stimulus Pkg at work

    Yeah, so they can cut taxes and launch another war based on flimsy pretexts. That will really help things.
  11. G

    "Friend Zone" - Watch Out!!!

    I wouldn't mind being friends with a girl so long was everything was out in the open and everyone was OK with it. But problems eventually seem arise. E.g. if partygets an SO the SO might be jealous of the friendship, and they tend to spend more time with the SO and the friendship kind of fades.
  12. G

    A Relationship Phobia?

    Write down what you want in a mate and what flaws you are willing to accept, we all have them. Then socially date as much as you can, treating the dates as a sort of interview of sorts. There is of course some room for change, e.g most men are not as "neat" as women and they have to be...
  13. G

    "Friend Zone" - Watch Out!!!

    At a young age its hard for young men not to develop feelings of attachment, etc. with the women they hang out with if they are physically attracted to them, assuming they are single.
  14. G

    Is this cheating?

    Well IMO once you get past a certain age(about 22), people should be allowed to date whoever they want until they get something official (engagement)
  15. G

    Does anyone skate/rollerskate here? :)

    Yes I do for roller/street hockey, but haven't gone out in a year or so.
  16. G a poor mother with a problem!

    You don't need to talk to him about masturbation, unless you think he may think its something evil. The bigger issue will be his treatment of women, and when (and if :P) he finds a willing female. Then its up to you if you want to give him condoms or not.
  17. G

    Unofficial AllDeaf Map - Post Your Location!

    Houston, TX but originally from Fairfax, VA
  18. G

    Have any of you felt extremely lonely & lost at some point...?

    Well I can only say I feel your pain. Not being able to communicate effectively seems to affect everything in your life including career, friendship, romance, etc.
  19. G

    Those Receiving SSI, How Much Do You Get Each Month?

    I think even with a CI, it would be extremely difficult for a deaf/severe hoh teacher to manage a K-12 classroom that wasn't composed of deaf/hoh individuals. College profs are a different story.
  20. G

    why do all marriage failed here in u.s.a.?

    Financial problems cause alot of stress. What happened with my own parents was that my dad started running up credit card bills in the tens of thousands of dollars. My mom gave him a second chance, even refied the house to pay off the debt. But then he did it again. Now there wasn't much...