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  1. armymech81

    Parents of Children: You must watch this!

    Thanks for the vid, that is soo true, need to make sure our kids are in the car correctly
  2. armymech81

    Question for armymech81

    Yeah, it means that I am hearing, but my wife is deaf
  3. armymech81

    Does your kid fart in the store??

    Another way to spot someone that farted in public is if they are standing in an open crowded area and everyone won't go close to the person.
  4. armymech81

    Have anyone voted today??

    Like I said earlier, Bush can drag it out where he will finish his term and get out of office like nothing happened. Right now, it is not even worth trying to impeach him. Yes, threaten as if we will, but he knows that it wouldn't happen, cause it too late in his last term. If they tried to...
  5. armymech81

    Favorite Chips?

    Love salt and Viniger, doritos(any kind). Or get the Doritos Nacho Cheese and add lemon
  6. armymech81

    when you delivery at hospital or home,midwives

    My mother had to had a C-section with me. I was too big for nartural birth. She was 6 feet around the night she had me. My wife was a lot smaller with out kids. She could fix in my jeans and still have no problem with room. She had to have C-sections cause our kids wanted out ASAP 8 weeks...
  7. armymech81

    During Pregnant

    Why thank you, would it be Samuel, Sammy, Sammie, Sam, Samatha? Don't want to use my middle name, it is jewish and weird.
  8. armymech81

    Baby shower

    My wife's 1st baby shower was held by her sister and was at my in-laws house. the secound was held at a part and her sister held that one too. It was nice, cause we also held my son's 3rd birthday at the same time. It was kinda perfet timing.
  9. armymech81

    jokes.. haha

    lol. that is funny as hell. Will teach that cop to be careful with who they pull over next time. Also the food store was alright. I saw that outcome.
  10. armymech81

    College dude got the first answer wrong [VID]

    Nana, He might be thinking that show, you are suppost to go for the penny :rolf:
  11. armymech81

    Have anyone voted today??

    Bush can still be impeached, but he won't be kicked out. Impeachment only means they will bring him to trail, not that he is guilty. Remember, Bill Clinton got impeached and his VP dodn't take over. He kept his presidency till the day that his term was up, not a day sooner. Plus, that is one...
  12. armymech81

    Does your kid fart in the store??

    NNAAA, when my kid trys to do that with me, I tell him god job, and act as if I am soo happy with him. Or I ask him if he needs to use the potty. I never make it sound negative, cause then he will only do that to try to embarass us. Still is cute. My son is 4 as well. :giggle:
  13. armymech81

    To All Fathers

    That is soo true. If you are old enough to do the deed, then be old enough to take responsablity. Don't run off and leave that kid alone. It only shows that you used the gal. Also, that can be put go the gals too. Never open your legs to a guy that justs wants to tap ya and leave. Don't...
  14. armymech81

    During Pregnant

    Hey, good idea, make your plans, and study them and everything. Then when you do get knocked up, throw those plans out the window!!! That is one thing you just can't plan soo well. It can take you forever to get pregent, or can take you 2 months. One hospital might have what you like, but...
  15. armymech81

    Why a guy should never cheat

    That is why I am very faithful to my wife, don't want this to happen to my car
  16. armymech81

    Have anyone voted today??

    True, but this is what I found, heard it might be the cover of the next issue
  17. armymech81

    Have anyone voted today??

    Originally Posted by Texan Guy View Post Have you heard what John Kerry said? "The troops are uneduated"...then next day, he forced to apoloized by the democrat leaders! That pisses me off. You think I would accept that when he said it? I graduated from High School and took some college...
  18. armymech81

    Have anyone voted today??

    There has been only 2 presidents that have gotten Impeached, 1st of Andrew Jackson, after Lincoln was shot. That turned out to be a dead end. Congress was trying to find a way to kick him out of office cause he was a southern and the Northern states where still pissed at the south. Then...
  19. armymech81

    Have anyone voted today??

    Everyone I work with was talking about that. They think that Congress told BUsh that nothing is going to pass that he wants unless Rumsfeld left office
  20. armymech81

    Vote on Gay Marriage

    People want to state the bible all the time!!!! If you want to state the bible, then you also have to add that it was not uncommon for men to lay down with outh men. Hey, it states it not a good idea, but they still did. It also states not to throw the 1st stone, and what you doing to the gays...