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  1. mecooncat

    Most issue you're concern in political?

    My house is built in 1850. I have very old brink foundation, it's so much cooler in the cellar during the summer but it's very cold in the winter. Great for storage for the hard vegetables like butternut squash, potatoes (both sweet and white), blue hubbard squash, etc. Around the house is...
  2. mecooncat

    At what age do you think people should be permitted to have a driver's license?

    I got my license almost near 18 yrs old on the day my sister was born. I believe 18 -20 yrs because they are legal adult. Depending on how responsible they are. Most states have learner's permit. In New Hampshire don't have learner's permit but Maine does have one. Here's the link for the USA...
  3. mecooncat

    Cat owners read!

    I have 3 cats, Black & white is Nibbles, he's almost 1 year old, Gray tabby is Tuffy and she'll be 2 in August and Calico is same name as "Calico" and she's 10 yrs old. :) PS: I don't how to put pictures in.
  4. mecooncat

    Courtesy and Respect in AllDeaf

    You might want to look up this link: :) Welcome to the UN. It's your world. Also this link from the link above: Click on About the United Nations, scroll down and click on Universal Declaration of Human Rights. That's the answer I got from this link down below. Universal Declaration of...
  5. mecooncat

    Courtesy and Respect in AllDeaf

    FRENCH HUMAN RIGHTS DECLARATION "Droits de L'homme": Article 18: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his...
  6. mecooncat

    Courtesy and Respect in AllDeaf

    I'm not sure if any of you around the world have religious laws-- USA-U.S CONSTITUTION - BILL OF RIGHTS: Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the...
  7. mecooncat

    Original Sin

    That reminds me of my SIL. 2 yrs ago, She wanted to be baptized so she can go to heaven. I keep telling her that won't work. I'm surprised that Pastor dipped her fingers in the holy water and made a cross on SIL's forehead. I don't go that church because it don't make any sense. She was so...
  8. mecooncat

    Guess what....

    Congrats to you! I'm near 18 yrs older than my half-sister. My mother had her when she was 36. She had me when she was 18. So we're all 18 yrs apart! :)
  9. mecooncat

    Will You Be Safer IF Guns Are Banned?

    Say if we banned guns, there are other ways that criminals or crazy manic can killed others by using knives, stoned, lead pipe, anything they can strangled with, etc. It's not just guns. I don't feel safer without guns. My husband is a hunter. Every fall, he goes deer hunting and we eat...
  10. mecooncat

    Jesus painting!

    That's true. We don't know who he really looks like.
  11. mecooncat

    warning for cell phone user...

    Speaking of cell phone, my daughter was telling me about her friend. His cell phone battery almost died so he decided to charge it up by plugging on the car battery while the car was running. Well, his cell phone burnt to crisp. That wasn't to swift to think about. Talk about stupidity...
  12. mecooncat

    early vote for President US 2008 - D

    Haven't decided yet on either Dem or Rep...but I do know that I'm not voting for Hillary. I can't stand her. Sorry!
  13. mecooncat

    Did you know those Religion symbol?

    I don't know what to say about her. At first I thought it was sign of abusive by her spouse but I read on and it wasn't. She could be addict not to touch anything or thinks it's all germs if you give it to her. It has something to do with touching. She doesn't want to be near or share in...
  14. mecooncat

    Would you keep your dog food in a coffee container that's not washed?

    I use big plastic container for my dog's dry food and cat's dry food stays in the bags and put in the cupboard. They eat more than the dog eats. Their dish is never empty always full.
  15. mecooncat

    what kind brand food of your pets?

    I feed my cats Friskies can food, Special Kitty indoor food (dry) and for my dog is Gravy Train. ( you can mixed it with water or go dry).
  16. mecooncat

    No Screaming Allowed on the `Screamer'

    This is the most lamest excused for not to scream or you're out. I don't scream but do held my breath for a short period of time and besides I'm afraid of heights.
  17. mecooncat

    My best friend's mom

    Sorry to hear your best friend's mother. :( Here's the link about Emergency air travel-Bereavment: Emergency Air Travel - Bereavement Fares
  18. mecooncat

    Power out!!!

    I remember that. My daughter was almost a month-half old baby when Bob came. I was living in Sanford, Maine at the time. The house I was rented in, the roof was torn off a huge chunks and leaks all the way down. None of damaged other than the ceiling and down the walls.
  19. mecooncat

    East Coast ....

    I'm not sure what's our plan for this summer. I would love to go. I love camping also. I'm not sure if PA have more camping areas than VA. The last I went to VA is driving thru I-95 heading to and back from Florida over a year ago.
  20. mecooncat

    Hey smokers! This is what your friends won't tell you.

    Whew! That's a long list of ingredients! I too am a former smoker. I quit 10 yrs ago this month. :) I do feel cleaner and breathe better.