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  1. D

    Going to Texas

    Have a safe trip and have fun! hugs! :)
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    What was your craving when you were preggy?

    I mostly carve cereal, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits (when I can afford them) and I eat ice cream almost every night-my baby wants it all the time, DQ and Frosty from Wendy. Hmmmm so yummy goody! I carve chinese and egg rolls all the time. I used to love salads before my pregnancy and I...
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    Awesome!!.... ur heart will melt from this!!

    Awww so sweet! Thanks for sharing this with us!
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    HELLOOOOOO ghsh1996, pls come here!!!

    :hug:Happy Birthday, ghsh1996!!!:hug:
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    I'm Officially Married! (pix)

    Beautiful couple! Congrats! How does it feel to be married 25 hours and 19 minutes today? :)
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    odd VRS commercial

    So funny! Thanks for sharing this.
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    *Tick~tock fades away*..."Mrs. RebelGirl"

    Congrats! Hope you have a great marriage and more years ahead of you with your hubby and your daughter. :hug: Congrats again.
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    :Timer goes off: beepie beepie beepie

    Congrats, RR!!! Keep it up and Congrats again!
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    I have an announcement!

    Update I go back to the dr. every 2 weeks now as of Feb. 21st. Everything with the baby is great and me? my thyroid levels are back down. My dr. upped the dose from 150mg to 200mg. Why? the baby is growing and my body is not getting enough mg to keep me going. I am tired all the time, more...
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    Hospital for Birthday...blas

    Oh dear poor you. Hope you feel better soon! Happy Birthday! :)
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    Daylight Savings Time (DST)

    I dont know if this is a repost or whatever. If so, I am sorry. Just wanted to inform you and pass this on. I am so puzzled and shocked at the same time. I think it is so stupid after all so here it goes! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gadget owners beware...
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    My new job

    Congrats! :D
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    Bad Bad Bad Guy That I Saw Ever!!!

    Happy Birthday to you, LinuxGold!!! :D
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    the SHOCK of your life!!!!

    Congrats! :hug: Best luck to you and your future husband! Is your daughter excited?
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    Guess who's birthday it is today?

    Happy Birthday!!!
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    The lady did a good job and the guy is such a huge moron. I agree with hulsw, sure waste of time. :roll:
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    It's Official!!!

    Congrats! It is a beautiful ring. :)
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    Happy Valentine Day!!

    HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO EVERYONE AND MORE!!! :hug: :grouphug: :hug: :grouphug: :hug:
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    I am sorry, Rain. :hug: She is in good hands with God and she is with her family now. Praying for you and your family.