Search results

  1. BecLak

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    The use of Sign Language and going voice off eliminates the need to continually explain that you cannot hear day in day out to every person that you want to communicate with. Sign Language is visual and explains itself. Being oral (using your voice and your ability to speak) does the exact...
  2. BecLak

    strong cliques in Deaf community

    I think newcomers need to be fairly thick-skinned to get fully accepted. Especially if you haven't grown up in the Deaf community. Newcomers come and go, falling out more often than not. Testing your mettle, is what is happening here. Deafies grow tired of 'samplers'. Deaf gatherings are...
  3. BecLak

    Is life harder for the deaf?

    I say 'Hats off'! to all those who stand up against Audism and ignorance. It is raising awareness that has brought society thus far, where many of us Deafies can, and do have a better life. It is not all negative to stand up for what is right.
  4. BecLak

    Girlfriend is deaf! Wondering how I can be the best possible boyfriend.

    Ask her. On the precedence that the relationship is mutual and as you spend time with her, going places together where she frequents, if you genuinely do care, and she is not just a novelty to you.....then you will figure it out soon enough.
  5. BecLak

    Deaf/SignLanguage Movie List

    "The Tribe' - Although I haven't seen it personally, but it is very talked about. I don't know what rating is on it either. Does anyone have a link to it? Please note: In most countries outside the U.S., we are not permitted access to some U.S movie websites. Having a link to where you...
  6. BecLak

    Deaf/SignLanguage Movie List

    As we have a Booklist Thread, let's have a Deaf/Sign Language Movie list Thread. It can bè be in any SL (ASL, BSL, Auslan, etc). It would be good to also have weblinks to where you an purchase them. :ty:
  7. BecLak

    What does deaf mean to you

    Although, I was born severely-deaf, I was raised oral as 'hearing' in a hearing family. I have always been 'culturally' deaf even though I had no exposure to sign language until my later years. How? My perspectve of world around me. I knew I was different - my actons, reactions, responses...
  8. BecLak

    What is your mode of communication with Hearies?

    There has been some really good answers given here. :-) Let's take a bit of a twist on this discussion - here is another question for you: If there was no way other than you using sign language, and there was no hearing person who knew sign, how would you communicate and successfully get your...
  9. BecLak

    25 Syrian Deaf People Missing/Taken by ISIS

  10. BecLak

    A Deaf person in large hearing event

    Good idea - sure a downer thread.......... #raisesflag DOWN WITH AUDISM!!! :smash::smash::smash: :wave:
  11. BecLak

    A Deaf person in large hearing event

    Way to go Authentic! :applause: :h5: Deaf Pride!! Keep waving the flag.
  12. BecLak

    A Deaf person in large hearing event

    Botts, The only place where M.S. fits into what I posted is that I am no longer able to get myself places. I am now back stuck in a world where I am the only Deaf person, the only one who signs, with no one to sign with but myself in the mirror. Grief and depression are totally unrelated and...
  13. BecLak

    A Deaf person in large hearing event

    Authentic, I have always enjoyed reading of your experiences over the 6 years I have been here on Alldeaf. These new experiences immersing with hearing world too. While I applaud your bravery in trying out new things, however, the novelty of this new experience will soon wear off and harsh...
  14. BecLak

    Etiquette question re: "Deafie"

    Its funny how the Hearing find 'deafìe' and 'hearie' offensive but are perfectly fine with calling a Deaf person 'hearing impaired'. Call me Deafie please. Hearing impaired never!
  15. BecLak

    I Can Hear With My Eyes

    Yeah the % ratio was way off. My audiogram states 60db-80db. However, my mum had always told me 40% in one ear and 60% in the other. Goes to show.
  16. BecLak

    I Can Hear With My Eyes

    When I was young the Audiologist 'translated' the Db and Hz into % for my mother who is hearing.
  17. BecLak

    What is your mode of communication with Hearies?

    This seems so often the case, where we end up having to succumb to writing everything down. It is more often than not the case where signing or gesturing is a waste of time. As so it happens to many languages of the minority groups within a country. But is this what it should be?
  18. BecLak

    What is your mode of communication with Hearies?

    When travelling overseas where English is not commonly used, using gestures with non-signers usually results in a good outcome in communication. However, it appears in countries where English is prominently used, it seems that people in general are lazy with putting in any effort to...
  19. BecLak

    What is your mode of communication with Hearies?

    How many of you can communicate with hearies purely by signing or mostly gesturing? Do you have the patience to stick it through until you get your point across or do you end up writing it down out of frustration? Although it's tedious at times, it is achievable. If Im in a queue, however, I...