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  1. M

    I am tired of feeling alone :(

    "all guys are gay or taken" + "I am 15" = DOES NOT COMPUTE
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    World Cup...Are you watching?

    There's a German-Brazilian guy at work, I guess he'll implode when the time comes. He's been watching live streams on his phone all day at work. I don't care about the World Cup (or sports in general) so whenever people suddenly change the subject onto it, I just walk away.
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    Deaf-staffed restaurant 'Signs' opening in Toronto

    Deaf restaurant Signs offers edible lessons in sign language | Toronto Star I don't really care for the reporter's tone, but the restaurant itself seems to have the right idea. I look forward to checking it out.
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    Survey: The BEST and WORST tasting fast food

    Interesting that the biggest chains score the lowest.
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    2014 Summer Steam Sale starts June 19th!

    Okay, so I ended up buying: -State of Decay + DLC -Space Engineers -Shadowrun DLC -Gone Home -Giana Sisters I also got given a copy of Monaco, and bought Valiant Hearts which happened to be released during the sale. Not bad considering I hadn't intended to buy anything.
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    TV Gaming Consoles

    I have Xbox 360, Xbox, PS1, Saturn, N64, Genesis/32X/Sega CD, Colecovision, Game Boy, Game Boy Colour, DS, 3DS XL, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Game Gear, Dreamcast. In the past I've had a PS2 and NES but I sold them.
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    Happy Canada Day!

    Too bad it's been raining all morning, but it seems to have stopped now. Yesterday I walked home, and found a little neighbourhood called the Republic of Rathnelly which humorously declared independence from Canada on July 1st, 1967 (the centennial) in recognition of their own efforts in...
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    2014 Summer Steam Sale starts June 19th!

    Area 51 the light gun arcade game and Area 51 the first person shooter are very different games. So far, I haven't bought anything. Tempted by State of Decay, tempted by the ridiculously low price on The Witcher II, but I know I won't get around to them for months. I already have quite a few...
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    Does Language determine Thought?

    Here you go: Victor of Aveyron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A more contemporary example: Linguistic development of Genie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Want to meet me?

    You could walk out your front door tomorrow and be stabbed to death by a passing lunatic, it doesn't mean you should cower inside your home just in case. Safe and sensible, which is what Lizzie's post is.
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    President Bush jumps out of a perfectly good helo at age 90!

    This might be why he likes parachutes so much, he flew Avenger torpedo bombers during WW2 and got shot down. - Transcripts
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    2014 Summer Steam Sale starts June 19th!

    Woo! I can't wait to buy more games I'll never get around to playing! Anyone else ready to pounce on the deals?
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    Florida #1 in killer tornadoes

    Hands up if you read the title as "killer tomatoes"
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    Deaf muslim beggers

    Did you tell them to get in touch with Action On Hearing Loss?
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    Help with webcomic needed

    This is the end result: Ask GLaDOS and Sniper, Ask GLaDOS and Sniper #20 Half Live 3 Perfect (a commenter has already pointed this out) What was the point?
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    exciting new commerical passenger jet to be coming up

    Does Boeing really want their promotional videos to be in the same obnoxious style as SOLAR FREAKIN' ROADWAYS?
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    Google Chrome is growing!

    Interesting to see Firefox slowly declining. Maybe because it's a memory-leaking bloated piece of junk?
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    Chicken Wings ice Cream

    Salt-kissed desserts are a 'thing' at the moment. President's Choice (supermarket brand in Canada) used to do a salt-kissed duce de lece (spelling?) chocolate brownie. Or: a brownie with caramel and chocolate and chunky salt on top. (Millionaire's Shortbread but more badass) OMG it was...