Search results

  1. MotionInSilver

    U.S. set to execute first woman in more than two years

    And to add to the astounding cost of legalities when it comes to executions. Hey if murders are put together in a room, they're bound to naturally eliminate one other over time. (Bad joke) I do like Sheriff of Marciopa county's way of dealing with prisoners. Make them wear pink. Tent city and...
  2. MotionInSilver

    Deaf in the Militaryn (Video - Subtitled)

    I agree, its our time as deaf people to enlist as soon the policy changes. Its silly as an American to find out that other countries enlist deaf people and not us. Its embarrassing to find out that 80% of military positions are noncombatant able to be served by deaf people. Hope this changes...
  3. MotionInSilver

    Question about SSDI Benefits For baby

    All of the questions the OP is asking could be asked directly to the SSI office as they're the professionals trained to answer those questions as we don't know the personal details. I know that if I went on SSDI if I was suddenly jobless is a comfort to me in today's economy. I know I wont...
  4. MotionInSilver

    Home pregnancy tests may detect men's cancer
  5. MotionInSilver

    You had lapband before?

    3 of my coworkers had the gastric prodecure (not sure which one for all 3) done around the same time and both 10 years later now 2 are gaining the pre-procedure weight and one is already at her pre-weight.
  6. MotionInSilver

    What's Your Comfort Food?

    Thin crust cheese pizza- not the frozen ones seem to be my weakness :-)
  7. MotionInSilver

    Why is the drinking age 21?

    That discovery was more recent. I believe I first read about this last year or so. I do agree with "if youre old enough to die for one's country, youre old enough to drink". We have issues of veterans that are 18-20 years old coming back to this country and being told they cannot drink. This...
  8. MotionInSilver

    Dental work

    This thread reminds me, I'm dreading the visit to the dentist myself knowing I will need a filling redone. Yikes, sorry this happened to you. Dental work isn't cheap anywhere I even have dental insurance and its not cheap even with insurance when I need dental work done. I still have a silver...
  9. MotionInSilver

    Paleo Diet - Have you tried this?

    ITs just like the atkins in my opinion, but for the supporters of the caveman diet its more better than the Atkins as they're not marketing the products to sell but any diet that tells me to stay away from the legumes is telling me that my heart will pay the price later in the long run. its...
  10. MotionInSilver

    Look out for police!!!

    Cute and adorable.
  11. MotionInSilver

    Show pictures of you and me??

    :giggle: I'm a woman and it gives me the opposite effect if I see a woman in the photo with the guy, it makes me suspect he's a player, gives me an bad impression overall at first glance that he's either a- a momma's boy of that type or a player. But of course there are always 'explanations'...
  12. MotionInSilver

    My Story

    One knows how hard it is to trust again after giving ones heart freely and wholly and being betrayed in return. Thats why I put more faith/love in my best friends, the dog and the cat more than any other human being and I'm slowly trusting people again. But its a long journey, its not going to...
  13. MotionInSilver

    Who is going to be left out?

    uhh the cat is more concerned in cat speak than silly gibberish things human say/sign in their language.
  14. MotionInSilver

    Deaf twins who discovered they were going blind and would never see each other again

    I didnt mean blind literally... I got you the first time around when you said from experience. :cool2:
  15. MotionInSilver

    Which AD'er are you wondering about?

    I do wonder what happened to the very first AD members....and who they are today. Looking at the pictures still up... nothing changed.
  16. MotionInSilver

    Promote VP and rottweilers?

    Lol- There are alot buyers who will NOT buy NOTHING from anyone who has animals or shows that they're not keeping their area clean. From the picture i got the vibe that one was a lazy fat potato couch guy thats a pervert (w that funny looking webcam yes I know what a vp is!) who pulled...
  17. MotionInSilver

    Stop The Bullying on AD

    It does hit ones nerve when they think theyre right and know no wrong on certain viewpoints- its all about being human but one need to remember to step back and view what others are looking over there through their looking glass! We are all different in our personalities and our perspective in...
  18. MotionInSilver

    What is the point of inaugural?

    :cool2: We, common folks already do get ourselves in debt by throwing ourselves silly events called weddings or know of our friends/family who have done that... Totally funny when a guest does not give money to the bride/groom for the wedding present or give any present....I think its good...
  19. MotionInSilver

    Deaf twins who discovered they were going blind and would never see each other again

    Bottesini... I would agree with you for the human spirit of wanting to survive...however...Not myself personally. Same goes for many others who become disabled one way or other, there are many in life that do not want to live life like this. Look at some war veterans right now, they're not...