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  1. MotionInSilver

    Do You Play Pokemon Games?

    Played Pokemon Go got to level 7 then quickly lost its appeal with glitches and repeated weedles. Deleted it. Still think about it now and then but perhaps I need a life other than having my nose into the game
  2. MotionInSilver

    Where are you from?

    Summerlands that is now becoming Winter Wonderland soon.
  3. MotionInSilver

    Long term relationship

    Related to Fidel Castro by any chance?
  4. MotionInSilver

    How to address a coworker faking her hearing loss

    I am in a very weird and uncomfortable situation. This is about the workplace. And someone faking being deaf. I have a coworker who is actually hearing and pretends she is deaf to her own benefit. Something was not right with her. She hears a lot better than most of the hearing staff and that...
  5. MotionInSilver

    VERIZON smartphone suggestions? And ? about data plan

    thanks im more confident now on my decision with verizon. :-) both of your feedback was appericated now the hard choice of picking which smartphone not just htc dna as i would like to keep my mind open and which vp app to use thank you ! any suggestion besides htc dna on verizon to look at
  6. MotionInSilver

    Doorbell for the deaf suggestion?

    Thank you. This should be posted sticky. Is it possible for a smartphone to be connected to the bed vibrator or strobe lights?
  7. MotionInSilver

    VERIZON smartphone suggestions? And ? about data plan

    I'm currently with sprint, unfortunately the area I am moving to is only Verizon or At&t. I have choosen Verizon due to their more widespread range out in the county. Vs. At&t Yes I'm talking about the big move from a suburbs that has everything near a major city in the US to middle-of-no-where...
  8. MotionInSilver

    Breeding season as begun!

    the only deaf person who breed reptiles? there are other deaf people into different kinds. just hard to find them. btw love seeing deaf people in this hobby
  9. MotionInSilver

    Dramatic dog attack caught on video

    a husky mix can be many different looks look at alot shelter dogs fyi a mutt can look like a lab and have 25 percent husky blood in it but wont look like a husky but can have husky tendencies ... genetics
  10. MotionInSilver

    Dramatic dog attack caught on video

    its not a real pit bull look at dog fight vids the pit dont attack like that, once they have a bite they dont let go this was more of shepherd or atika or husky look at its tail its was wrong same with its back legs a pit does not have that leg structure. abc news not writing down the dog as pit...
  11. MotionInSilver

    Why can't deaf people respect deaf people's choice of sign language?

    i grew up see 100 now pse/asl and ive long shed alot of see signs over time as i grew up see until 3rd year in high school, you admitted you are already pse so its okay to find specific people who are more word for word in that style. i prefer to hang out with educated or wordy deaf...
  12. MotionInSilver

    Gov't acknowledges thousands released from jails

    alot die alone :giggle: safety is in numbers in the desert its not the border agents u gotta worry about the cartels snatching u or killing you if the nature doesn't first brutal out there
  13. MotionInSilver

    Gov't acknowledges thousands released from jails

    i dont understand why cant make them detainees pay the fees somehow to recap revenues lost no point in shipping them they will be back in a month
  14. MotionInSilver

    Dramatic dog attack caught on video

    :roll: its fur is way wrong to be a pittie im aroud them often, it looked like a shepherd mix if not lab or husky in it
  15. MotionInSilver

    Trouble with mail in credit cards

    this is perfect model of a person knowing the limit. Wish many of us had this mindset
  16. MotionInSilver

    Trouble with mail in credit cards

    how much interest do you pay? :hmm: never quite understood how people swear their credit cards are giving them benefits when interest is being charged that day one uses it...
  17. MotionInSilver

    Texas Mother Delivers Two Sets of Identical Twins

    thats cool to see that theyre healthy
  18. MotionInSilver

    2 angry cats 1 mouse

    lol cute
  19. MotionInSilver

    LA to create small parks to force sex offenders from neighborhoods

    whats the point of bringing the mob hysteria into this ? good percentage of sex offenders sex offenses are not against a child but against an adult and theres different individual cases that does not make sense and the perp is still charged with sex offense its an issue that needs to be...
  20. MotionInSilver

    CNN Chile Reports Hugo Chavez is Dead

    same goes to your long signature its too annoying :shock: why say something so hypocritical to others be nice :giggle: on serious note i rather choose which links from different sources not depend on one when info is all muddled.