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  1. Rampratt

    Arizona governor signs immigration bill

    I agree with you Jiro ! This came to my mind when I heard this TV! There are a lot of cops that love to abuse their power! % is quite small and you are going to have good and bad anyway. If you want to see abuse of power look at our government! The key word is "illegal" and as far as...
  2. Rampratt

    I love Cat and Dog ... :)

    Well I know she has been to Beijing and her American name is Sandra Xing Phelps She came over here about 18 years but only full time last 5 or 6 years. Before that 6 months here and then 6 months there. With all the people in China it would be a real ??? if you did know her. No she is not deaf...
  3. Rampratt

    I love Cat and Dog ... :)

    Wonder where in China, Wife is from Hangzhou. She was assistant professor at university there.
  4. Rampratt

    How far do you have to travel...

    I'm also lucky; about 50 min. drive from Casa Grande to Gilbert maybe 4o miles or so. Nice drive and 340 or so days a year it is blue sky and dry roads. :)
  5. Rampratt

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    Mrs.Moose; first I haven't read all the above posts which I probably should before I open my big mouth. you are not the oldest one here by a long shot. I'm a young 78 soon to be 79 and CI about two months ago. I'm sure there are a lot of places you could go but I highly recommend the Arizona...
  6. Rampratt

    Idiots are a dime a dozen....

    I guess my wife just gave the simple answer to the ice and water in/on oceans raising! She said have them do simple experiment, take a glass of water full to the top with or with out salt and put in freezer. If you put salt in it you will have to lower the temperature in order to solidify it...
  7. Rampratt

    Idiots are a dime a dozen....

    I guess my only comment is that yes we have climate change and yes some times it increases and sometimes it decreases. We have had what, 4 ice ages in the past? How in heck could we have 4 ice ages w/o some kind of warming in between? and yes all the pollution we are putting in the air now...
  8. Rampratt

    popping sound in unimplanted ear

    Well I've had mine on for about 6 week now. Never had the popping sounds in either ear. My CI is in the right ear and left has ha. My first activation appointment was two hours and when done I could hear sounds but not really identify at first. In fact I was afraid it was not going to work at...
  9. Rampratt

    Helo from LongIsland

    Hello Chris and welcome. I know the feeling as I've been there. received my CI a couple of months ago and wow! it is starting to make a BIG difference in comprehension. I'm well over twice your age and would say if you have the opportunity, really look into the CI. You have a lot of life ahead...
  10. Rampratt

    My Experience in Australia

    Brisbane is great! Be sure and ask for some Bug's when you go out to dinner. :)
  11. Rampratt

    When do you put on your aid(s)/implant(s)?

    Most commercial airliners are pressurized to 3 to 4 thousand feet so if you can drive over a mountain that high you are good to fly. Of course there is the danger of loss of pressurization but that is rare. Diving on the other hand is a different horse. pressure doubles every 33 feet. Probably...
  12. Rampratt

    What is your profession?

    Retired teacher Anchorage school dist. Retired 1987 Second retirement from own Fishing/sightseeing business 1992 Now enjoying active life in Arizona. Volunteer every morning at assisted living facility.
  13. Rampratt

    Motorcycle insurance rates?

    I pay about $200.00 a year for my 1994 Gold Wing. Have about 140K miles on it now and still runs like new. I put about 10K miles a year on it. Bought it used with 87K miles for 6K. Very happy with it. Luckily I live in a area where I can ride 350 days a year. Only other bike I ever had that was...
  14. Rampratt

    Hello from Arizona

    For me I felt it was the best for many reasons. Yes in Phoenix. a Dr. Fucci. I am very happy with it all. Outstanding as far as I'm concerned but I'm sure you can find others that feel different.
  15. Rampratt

    Between the following 3 cochlears...

    Well I still have all the low tones and then some as far as I'm concerned. DB is sound pressure and not frequency or cycles per sec. 3 db being about the smallest change a normal person with normal hearing can perceive. I enjoy music very much and still do even more now but have to say...
  16. Rampratt

    Between the following 3 cochlears...

    I chose Nucleus5 and have no regrets. It is the oldest company of the three, I.E. been around a while and most likely to be here for a while. Small size,Can be used with or without remote, can use rechargeable or throwaway batteries. Have had it active about a month and now understand almost...
  17. Rampratt

    Arctic sea ice extent nearly the same as it was back in 2003

    Sure hope we are having some climate change! Seems to me we have had several ice ages so climate must have warmed up and cooled of in the past as I'm sure it will continue to do in the future. Have to give Gore credit where credit is due, he found a way to bilk millions out of society. Too bad...
  18. Rampratt

    When do you put on your aid(s)/implant(s)?

    Fair said it correctly! if you don't use it your brain/you will never accomplish what it is intended to accomplish. I put mine on first thing in the morning and take it off last thing at night. HA is and was always the same. Face it, if you were a hearing person and never heard anything you...
  19. Rampratt

    Hello from Arizona

    Welcome Nichole. I am also relatively new and have my CI active about one month now. I have the Cochlear Nucleus5 and still getting used to it. Have HA on left side and slowly the two are coming together. In the sound booth I'm doing great but in the real world it will take some time yet...
  20. Rampratt

    Implant Users

    Well I just have to stick my neck in here on this one. First I guess some of you would say late deaf? I've worn hearing aids for over 50 years and have had a CI active just over one month. First to those that were born deaf or those that were deaf very early in life, realize that those in the...