Search results

  1. Rampratt

    Best Cochlear Implant

    I too looked closely at all three units but went with Cochlear Due to length of time in business, small size,ability to control either directly on/with unit or from remote,reliability, and now with the newer re-chargeable batteries can be warn in the shower and swimming. They do not recommend...
  2. Rampratt


    Have had mine active about 4.5 months or so and wish I had gotten it years ago! If I get a chance for second one, I would do it in a heart beat! Wonderful to hear all the sounds again and be able to join in on the conversations and groups.
  3. Rampratt

    David Cameron refuses to fly private. Saves 300k

    Yes and I'll bet they announced weeks in advance just what flight he would be on. Seriously, I doubt even the airline knew which flight until last minute. Cant complain about him setting a good example. How much we could save in the U.S.A. if all our govt. people used commercial airlines.
  4. Rampratt

    How to get an FM system

    Check with A.S.U. They have a department or something and I've gotten a couple of items from them in a round about way. Also check as there is a location in Phoenix that you can try out/use all the different devices. Check with and or .....:: Institute for Human...
  5. Rampratt

    The road begins to hear once again!!!

    Glad to see you doing well. As long as you keep a positive attitude and don't expect too much first time it's turned on you will be in great shape and enjoy hearing like you've been missing for a long time. I was real shook up first time they activated mine as I sat there for at least 5 min. and...
  6. Rampratt

    Almost Every Cleanup Worker from the 1989 Exxon Valdez Disaster Now Dead

    Don't really know how to answer that? we were in a learning process at that time. As time went on we learned more and of course were then able to take precautions. As I said we did not even have film badges or dosimeters early on. As you most likely know, those that worked on the Manhattan...
  7. Rampratt

    Almost Every Cleanup Worker from the 1989 Exxon Valdez Disaster Now Dead

    YUP probably 4 or 5 hundred or so.
  8. Rampratt

    Almost Every Cleanup Worker from the 1989 Exxon Valdez Disaster Now Dead

    I find it hard to believe that "ALL" suffered from radiation? I guess I may be dead and not know it. in 1952 I worked in a high radiation area and that was before we had film badges and dosimeters so don't know how much I have had. However I again worked with X-ray Cesium and CO60 in the mid to...
  9. Rampratt

    Almost Every Cleanup Worker from the 1989 Exxon Valdez Disaster Now Dead

    Bunch of CRAP! I was 118 Day's under contract on the Valdez clean up. So far I know of no one that was working on that spill that has died under anything other than old age or accident. Granted I do and did not know everyone working on that spill but I did meet and know quite a few.
  10. Rampratt


    Easy solution here. Don't pierce, get a clip on or something like that. Save your money. Some day you may need a CI or something else.
  11. Rampratt


    Yup and required by the surgeon that did mine, but was opinion if over a certain age. I was way, way over the age but still had the vaccination as a precaution. There are risks every time you get out of bed but the benefits are way ahead in my opinion. Just that one has to evaluate and not be...
  12. Rampratt


    Certainly is NOT a cure but it sure has helped a LOT of people that want to hear. The key here is WANT or DESIRE to hear and research is on going all the time. As to scar? I can't see mine as it seems to be right where the ear attachés to the head, looks to me like they cut right at the apex and...
  13. Rampratt

    Rock & a Hard Place

    And just what is "his own kind" Does he walk on four legs? two legs? have purple hair? black,white,yellow,red? Lets face it, it's all about communication. All I read on here know English pretty well and write reasonably well. That is communication of one kind. Majority use some kind of sound...
  14. Rampratt

    Advances in Technology and a Return to Medicalization

    Rebi; Right ON. What we are all talking about is communication. Those of us that speak and write English can communicate. I can not communicate in Chinese, my wife does. I can not communicate very well with sign language, many can. Technology is advancing every day and we take advantage of it...
  15. Rampratt

    A Newbie here

    Welcome LizaAZ, Yes the implants are not perfect but they sure do help. I also live in AZ but more southern and it's getting warm now. However I do enjoy warm weather so not a problem. I'm sure you will enjoy this group and there are all kinds/ages and very interesting people. Enjoy and do post.
  16. Rampratt

    I need your help ~~~ What kind of Car is best ? Suggest ?

    I second the motion on the Hyundai or KIA. I have a Hyundai now 148000 care free miles on a 2003 and am looking to pick up a 2007 with 33000 and still under warranty. If one does research you will find that the Hyundai and or KIA have some of the highest customer satisfaction of the bunch and an...
  17. Rampratt

    How to Decide on Cochlear Implant Surgery for Children

    I've worn aids for about 50 years and in my case that has kept me from becoming totally deaf a lot earlier than it has. It also has helped me immensely when I got the CI. The old adage is true in my opinion " use it or loose it" My comprehension was under 30% and that was stretching it. More...
  18. Rampratt

    How to Decide on Cochlear Implant Surgery for Children

    Ah, therein lies the rub. A) discrimination testing is done in a controlled environment and cannot be extrapolated to a real world environment. and B) doing the testing does not mean that the parents have been given an understandable explanation of the differences or the impact of such. And the...
  19. Rampratt

    Hello out there:)

    Welcome Michele; See what your audi suggests. It's my understanding of BaHa that they primarily transfer sound from BaHa side to good hearing side but I may will be very wrong! I have a friend whose wife has the BaHa and that is what it does for her. I have a CI on right side and Ha on left...
  20. Rampratt

    The road begins to hear once again!!!

    Deaffy, you have done exactly what I did. Same ear and almost same reasons. It is working out real well for me. If you don't expect too much to soon you will be surprised. We are all different so impossible to say exactly what will happen or how it will come out but if you keep open mind and...