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  1. butterflygal

    burrito saying HI!

    Welcome!! You sound like you're a lot of fun to be around. Looking forward to that!! :D
  2. butterflygal

    Franchise vs. Independent

    Thank god I don't live there!! :thumb:
  3. butterflygal

    School Shooting

    It may be different but similiar in many ways. Innocent people get injured and killed in school shootings and that is serious enough for everyone to stary paying attention to children. Those children are obviously needing a lot of help if they even were thinking about shooting people.
  4. butterflygal

    The Bachelor Show......

    I watched it last night! He is definately the perfect guy. I mean, he is not snobby or rich. He is Mr. Average and that makes him perfect in my eyes!! :D I was sad that he didn't pick the firefighter. He could have picked her. He also picked that wild girl. She was the first person he...
  5. butterflygal

    School Shooting

    If we wantthis to stop then more parents need to start paying attention to their children. Teachers need to watch for signs of abuse and bullying at school because children are almost always afraid to report bullying or abuse and they start to hold it inside and it builds up to the point where...
  6. butterflygal

    Franchise vs. Independent

    There is this independent hamburger store which had been around since my dad was in high school. The man has his own secret recipe which makes the hamburgers so delicous!! It's also really cheap, $1.55 for a cheeseburger compared to $3 or $4 fpr a hamburger at McDonald's or Burger King.
  7. butterflygal

    Age difference

    Age is just a number. :D
  8. butterflygal

    VERY interesting fact..

    Well, believe it or not, many new fathers are. Men view breasts as sexual objects and THEIRS. When women breastfeeds, the babies are usually attached there and men feel like their toys were stolen away. :P :werd: eh?
  9. butterflygal

    Mainstreaming Issues

    I was mainstreamed from a very young age until 10 years old. My english, math, history and all those subjects sucked. Why? Because I was sitting in my classroom doing speech all day and when I got tired of it, I decided to go in my hearing classroom and just sat there while the teacher was...
  10. butterflygal

    VERY interesting fact..

    Actually, I have heard from several men that breast milk tasted very sweet and they liked it. :P
  11. butterflygal

    what do you look for....

    1. Get as involved as you can in the deaf world and learn about deaf culture. 2. If you get involved in a club or activities, do not take over. Let the deaf people be leaders since it is their club or activity. Many deaf people are resistant to hearing people who tries to take over...
  12. butterflygal

    Courting vs. Dating

    I think courting and dating are two different words with two different meanings. Courting is when a man wooes a woman he likes into marriage. Usually back there, people do not date around like people do today. I think when women got more rights, things changed. Women realized that they don't...
  13. butterflygal

    Live Teacher or Broadcasted?

    I think a live teacher is better. In deaf culture, visuals are extremely important. Therefore, it is important for hearing people to have direct contact with deaf people in order to learn ASL and also deaf culture. Brocasted teachers cannot provide this. It's ok to use that for examples or...
  14. butterflygal

    Anyone here thats deaf from Minnesoa?

    I'm deaf but I live near the border to Minnesota. I live in Thunder Bay, Ontario...
  15. butterflygal

    College class

    This semester, I am taking 1. Colouring course 2. Crafts course 3. Swinging course 4. Sliding course 5. Hide and Seek course 6. Kids' song course. :P:P:P:P:P
  16. butterflygal

    Need help fast, need info to where law says interpreter required when pulled over

    Sometimes we have to make do with what we have right now. FOr myself, I got caught speeding for the first time last year and I informed the police officer that I was deaf. He then started fingerspelling and I was shocked but impressed. I discovered that many police officers in my town knew...
  17. butterflygal

    Who is single mothers, Fathers here?

    Single mother here of two adorable kids!! :D
  18. butterflygal

    *blushing* Hello guys...

    Thanks guys!! :D
  19. butterflygal

    Could you speak and lipead?

    I was brainwashed into learning how to speak and lipread until before my teens. My wonderful parents transferred me to a deaf school and from there, I learned ASL and deaf culture. I can lipread still but I usually tell people I cannot because I don't want to work my ass off matching the...
  20. butterflygal

    Prohibition Of Asl In House

    :jaw: For sure! I would be so pissed off and disown my parents. I am very lucky to have parents who actually worked their asses off to learn ASL for me.