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  1. butterflygal

    Real Effects of smoking pot

    I believe that pot is awesome for people with long term illnesses. It helps them be hungry again and the pain to go away. The bonus is it is all natural. I think that people has made pot look bad so many times and comparing it to hard drugs, like coke, heroin, speed, etc... The fact is pot...
  2. butterflygal


    I think a little jealousy is normal. If there is too much jealousy, there is a red flag there. Speaking from experience too much jealousy usually leads into something bad.
  3. butterflygal

    *blushing* Hello guys...

    I don't think I have been here before. This is the first time I have been here.... THanks. :D
  4. butterflygal

    Playboy Playmates trade e-mails with soldiers

    I hope women soilders are getting the same treatment as men are... They deserve it after all!!
  5. butterflygal

    *blushing* Hello guys...

    Thanks.. I have been reading some stuff today and it sounds like an awesome place. Looking forward to hanging out here and getting to know everyone. :D
  6. butterflygal

    What caused your deafness/hearing loss?

    Born deaf. I have a couple of people in my family who are deaf as well but they became deaf from being ill with the german measles.
  7. butterflygal

    Do you have any relatives or friends close to you in the war?

    Amazing how many people's relatives are in the army. I think it is such a sad thing. :(
  8. butterflygal

    *blushing* Hello guys...

    I'm Amanda, from northern Ont.. How do you do?