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  1. J

    ios 7

    :giggle: Frisky Feline is dinosaur!
  2. J

    how important is Deaf culture to you?

    Not important to me.
  3. J

    Cool engine animation (**warning large picture with GIF**)

    There's an interesting animation of how engine works that someone posted at iRacing:
  4. J

    Job interviews

    Let them call you and leave message. Then you call back with VP - be sure the operator is same sex as you and notify operator not to mention the relay service. That's how I did that. It's not that hard. The major reason most companies "avoid" contact you because they don't know if they had...
  5. J

    Job interviews

    It's best to not mention that you can't hear before interview. I've tried mention that I'm deaf and I never able to get interview for almost 2 years. Then my EDD suggested not to mention that you're deaf till interview and I managed to get more interviews than I had in almost 2 years. But be...
  6. J

    Video Game Mock JFK Assassination

    Yeah, we mocked French all the time (like, French surrendered easily when Germans across the border in WWII). Many other countries mocked us. I'll admit that I thought it was funny commercial, but I think they could do that with "static" president - not JFK. Using JFK assassination kinda bit...
  7. J

    What was the last movie you watched?

    J.J. blamed his Star Trek's weak review on bad game. Source: JJ Abrams: 'Star Trek: The Game' hurt the movie -- and my emotions Lol, blaming on flawed game for bad movie? He needs to get off high horse on that one. :roll:
  8. J

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Corrina, Corrina is actually good movie.
  9. J

    switching from time warner to direct TV or dishtv for TV

    Better? I dunno. HD on Dish Network with CC is not 100% great. Too many dialogs are missing and the CC seems to mostly stay on left side of the screen. Now I hardly watch TV and watch Hulu mostly of the time. Can’t comment on DirectTV (never have tried it). Just for your information, TWC’s...
  10. J

    Pics of you - Part V

    Uhh... careful, she has ball buster leg. :shock:
  11. J

    True or False?? About CI

    Well, I don't blame them for not telling you everything. I think it has something to do trying to be positive and not to be negative - remember what I said about 100% committed. I could be wrong since I didn't talk to them.
  12. J

    Who what to be the first ever deaf president?

    We know and we still can vote him for President of something. :D
  13. J

    Court of public opinion looms large in George Zimmerman murder trial

    I beat you. :P See post #1952.
  14. J

    Court of public opinion looms large in George Zimmerman murder trial

    It was posted on MSN news recently: Zimmerman detained over domestic violence incident He threaten his wife with gun. How stupid...
  15. J

    Who what to be the first ever deaf president?

    Apparently, OP and other posters care. *shrug*
  16. J

    Who what to be the first ever deaf president?

    Umm... I might vote you. ;)
  17. J

    Pics of you - Part V

    She did? I must look at wrong place - wait, I did! :Oops:
  18. J

    Who what to be the first ever deaf president?

    Will it? I doubt it. It will never improve deaf world awareness.
  19. J

    Need WiFi software to detect the band

    Come on, let's calm down. It's not worth fighting over who said.