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  1. I

    Christmas For The Mentally Disturbed!

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 1. Schizophrenia --- Do You Hear What I Hear? * 2. Multiple Personality Disorder --- We Three Kings Disoriented Are * 3. Dementia --- I Think I'll be Home for Christmas * 4. Narcissistic --- Hark...
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    Michael Jackson gravely ill: reports

    Latest news report on abc news, Jackson is ok, fine.
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    UFO's spotted in the west Midlands in UK

    Another possibility which could be discussed is are we being visited by advanced beings from the future from our own planet? This would solve a number of problems involved with deep space travel but also open up the issue of time travel and all of the problems associated with that. Still I...
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    UFO's spotted in the west Midlands in UK

    i think it's good to debate and discuss this topic with respect to each other. I think we should also be fimilar with what is involved in deep space travel, fuel capacity, light speed, distance, many, many hurdles to over come! Of course I believe these hurdles can be and will be over come...
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    UFO's spotted in the west Midlands in UK

    Who knows. Certainly not a ET sight :)
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    UFO's spotted in the west Midlands in UK

    Please feel free to believe in what you want. i am not judging you poorly for your beliefs. I am just saying I do not believe we have seen any credible evidence yet that we have been visted by aliens. That does not mean we have not yet or will not. It just means every thing we have seen is not...
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    UFO's spotted in the west Midlands in UK

    Pretty slow moving UFO's. Sorry I would love to believe, honest, and I keep a open mind too, but I have seen nothing remotely to suggest or hint to aliens visiting us. It's just science keeps getting in my way. If aliens were able to visit us, it would be in more advanced ships then we are...
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    UFO's spotted in the west Midlands in UK

    But they would need a lot of technology to get here! I think what people are seeing are gov projects or fakes.
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    What is your profession?

    I am a helpdesk tech support agent. I work on the phone in front of a computer. Before that I was in direct sales. I have moderate to severe hearing loss, and wear hearing aides. With my hearing aides I can get about 80% of what is said. i do better in direct sales as I learned how to use...
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    UFO's spotted in the west Midlands in UK

    What ever these UFO's are, they are not from alien life forces visiting our planet. Reality Check: if we were to be visited by advanced life forces able to over come the laws of physics and energy to travel great distances quickly. I'm sure whatever space crafts they used would look a whole...
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    Deaf Kenmore burglar gets 3 1/2-to-7-year term

    He needs to get in a different line of crime. perhaps auto theft or some thing that does not require hearing?
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    Accuse of Sex

    This is very true. I live with my wife and we don't have sex, well hardly ever. lol
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    Can someone who is severely deaf talk normally?

    So how do you know how well you sound to others? I'm sure you do very good, but certainly there is a difference to hearing people.
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    Can someone who is severely deaf talk normally?

    speech is very dependent on hearing for pronounciation and knowing how soft or loud you are and also for correcting yourself. I suspect the degee of deafness effects the talk to some degree as well.
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    Accuse of Sex

    I am wondering too. Did you? Tell the truth :)
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    Michael Jackson gravely ill: reports

    There is no question he is a nut case of the highest level, but there is a reason for his insanity. May be his childhood he never had or some thing else. Yes he has a lot of other problems I don't care to get in to. But I do wish him well and his children all the best. May he finally find peace...
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    The afterlife

    the blind will see, the deaf will hear! We will never hunger or thirst. There will be no pain.
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    My friend needs your help

    It's a prank. may be from the radio station DJ's or listeners. Who asks for money on second post? Radio station no less on deaf forum.
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    The afterlife

    It will be totally different! All will be better then well! Beyond expectations!
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    Superman cat

    I think this is cruel.