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  1. I

    Sold the Jeep got another car.

    I traded my jeep in for a pick up truck, I regretted it ever since! I miss my jeep and I know it misses me. We had so much fun! :)
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    Lets ban every one!

    Ban Bottesini for having another cute pet avatar, what is that? A cat, dog, hamster? :)
  3. I

    Do I have the right to refuse to use spoken english?

    You are entitled to do as you wish, but there are no such rights outlined in the constitution. Most people confuse entitlements and rights mixed up to no end :)
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    I wonder why people are against witches?

    WICCA is a religion.
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    I wonder why people are against witches?

    #2 how can you ridicule religion for having made up "devil stories" and then say you believe a 5 pointed star protects you from spirits? Seems to me its not a good idea to ridicule religions at all, espcially if you engage in some thing similar ;)
  6. I

    I wonder why people are against witches?

    I see two problems with your post. FALLACY #1 - No one is innocent FALLACY #2 - "stupid make up devil stories", yet you believe the pentegram protects you from spirits? Peace
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    white nasal hair

    I heard rumor that white nasal hair also means you have white hair growing in spot the sun dont shine at, you should check now!
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    On Titan: It's Raining Methane

    And there are even methane seas on Titan too!
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    Introducing Jasmin. [Asking a favor]

    Hi Jaz! Welcome! hey, why not write a book about a 16 year old girl born deaf and then suddenly gets to hear for first time! That could even be a movie later lol. Well good luck!
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    Lets ban every one!

    Ban Byrdie for seeing things, no one is riding the tricycle!
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    Why do hearing people think?

    Perhaps some may ask if you were born deaf or how long have you been deaf, point is some point of contact is made from a hearing person. Perhaps some just don't ask the best way?
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    Lets ban every one!

    Ban Frisky Feline for getting frisky with Phillips and for also having a cute little kitty kat!
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    Dead Space

    I like games like Grand Theft Auto series, when I get bored I just roam around the streets just for fun :)
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    A confession to make...

    I'm usually very good at keeping secrets but since every one is sharing I will share one secret but you must promise not to repeat it! I had a wild threesome with SFShawn13 and AlleyCat! Shhhhh! :)
  15. I

    Lets ban every one!

    Ban Babyblue for getting to close to Frisky Feline's avatar!
  16. I

    Lets ban every one!

    Ban Frisky Feline for breaking the rules again! Can only ban previous poster :) now don't make me ban you again ;)
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    Lets ban every one!

    Ban Mrs Bucket for thinking I'm not having fun in fact banning her was most fun! :)
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    Lets ban every one!

    Ban Mrs Bucket for starting up rumors again! :)
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    Lets ban every one!

    Ban Frisky Feline for not following the rules :) You must name the previous poster and make up a reason to ban ;)