Search results

  1. J

    nursing starts in 3 weeks!

    This is very true, and I want to say the same because I didn't before. It is not easy to get into nursing school, the standards are becoming higher and higher every year and you must have the best grades. It really is a big thing to be accepted and something to be proud of.:D
  2. J

    It's up for debate, or is it?

    So you mean that when you think, it is in a different grammar but with English words? Such as the syntax of ASL?
  3. J

    Do You Keep Lights On All Night?

    We had a house fire when I was a kid because of christmas lights, so I am very cautious. I especially am careful when using numerous strands of lights strung together or with extension cords. Those things can increase the risk of fire.
  4. J

    Nail polish? Curious question

    I was wondering about this myself. I have shorter nails and usually paint them in soft neutral colors or pale pink frost and sometimes French manicaure. I've heard that with signing, one should keep the distractions to a minimum, and that made sense to me. But, considering how visible and on...
  5. J

    I don't hunt who does?

    I do not hunt, and do not advocate hunting for sport. For food, I approve. Hunting for your food is a ka-trillion times more humane and respectful of animals than the factory farming system we have for raising animals for food. Not only is it the horrific suffering of factory farmed animals...
  6. J

    Job Scam????

    SCAM for sure. My cousin just dealt with a similar person moving here from England who offered him a job as a chef. We cannot really figure out how it works, but why would a total stranger trust you with almost $3000?? I am assuming he just wants your private information to do whatever with...
  7. J

    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    Still, must have been hard for you, especially when you were too young to understand. And yes, it was her loss for sure - but you too were robbed of your natural mother because of her fears. I can't pretend to totally understand, as I am not deaf, and have not given birth to any deaf...
  8. J

    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    sorry, see post below, made a mistake here...have not mastered the reply with "quote" feature!!
  9. J

    nursing starts in 3 weeks!

    I didn't enjoy maternity so much - though I did enjoy looking at and feeding the babies - but we had a 2 week rotation at a pediatric center that housed mostly wards of the state, and I did enjoy that, even though it was sad too. It was children with moderate to severe disabilities who had...
  10. J

    Hello Again

    Understood. I didn't check to see if the person was still around, and though I would not post on a thread from 3 years ago, I figured with this one being only a few months old, maybe this person was still here.
  11. J

    Prisoners as relay operator?

    I have heard about state travel guides phone lines being manned by inmates, among other things. I am all for putting inmates to work, from the county jail on up. And unpleasant difficult work is even better. Perhaps it would be a deterrent for some to clean up their act...but I really...
  12. J

    nursing starts in 3 weeks!

    Hi Alicia...I will be graduating this spring with my RN. The way I did it, and the way our schools in my area pretty much demand you do it, is to get the pre-requisites out of the way first, like the A&P, Psychology, etc...that way they are done and when you start the nursing program, all you...
  13. J

    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    Wow. How sad. As a hearing person, I think that sadness as the first reaction of a parent hearing that their child is deaf is very normal. Of course a parent wants a child whose entire system is "running properly" according to all the guidebooks on the human body. You want your kids to be...
  14. J

    Ok so I'm brushing up on my ASL, question.

    One of the online programs I am using was set up and is taught by a left handed person. I thought it would make a difference but it doesn't, not at all.
  15. J

    Are you a CAT person or a DOG person?

    I am a dog person, a cat person, a bird person, a chicken goat lizard mouse frog horse cow rat opossum and llama person too...u name it, i love it. Though I would probably draw the line at keeping a spider for a pet, and never any exotic animal that I could not provide for fully (mentally...
  16. J

    Hi from Southern New Jersey

    thanks all - yes, I can see that actually finding someone to converse with is the best way to learn, like with any language. At this point, going to Deaf events may be premature, as I am not yet able to converse past hello how are you where are you from do you have any brothers etc etc. I would...
  17. J

    Rules in Deaf culture?

    Sounds to me like she is a very sweet person, and just wanted to be able to give something back to you for a day that she really enjoyed. My mother is like this as well, and she is not Deaf. I would take it as she meant it, as being generous towards you in the only way she could at that...
  18. J

    Hello Again

    I have tried Google. Anything about New Jersey events are either several years old or listed outside of my part of the state. Also, is there a rule here that if you have started a thread you can't post on others to say hello and ask them about the same general subject? I'd hate to start out by...
  19. J

    Hello Again

    Hi there I am also from Burlington County. Did you ever find any Deaf events here in S. Jersey?
  20. J

    Hello! Let us be strangers no more,

    I am also from NJ. Seems most of what you see on TV about NJ focuses on North Jersey, and particularly that ugly industrial area just outside of NYC, and the stereotypical Jersey types that hail from that area - though there ARE normal people in that area too. NJ is a beautiful and diverse...