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  1. D

    My Xbox 360 is screw up...

    Actually, M$ just released the DRM Tool, which allows you to transfer game saves of Arcade games to a new console ID. Interestingly enough, you can only do it once a year, and it has to be done online via PC or a laptop. I would recommend HOLDING onto your 120GB HDD. I would not trust...
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    My Xbox 360 is screw up...

    3 red lights gets you free repair/replacement. I would hope for a replacement, with HDMI.
  3. D

    List all known games for PS2, xbox and GCN with either CC or subtitles

    ^ TBH, you would get a MUCH quicker response to your question if you post it at I'm still stratching my head why this thread is alive and a sticky...(I've learned not to expect much from the staff here at alldeaf though..) I don't care if a game has subtitles or not, I care if...
  4. D

    What is your most recent game purchase?

    Penny Arcade Adventures Episode One: On the Rain Slick Precipe of Darkness Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3 John Woo's Stranglehold The Orange Box (got this mainly for Portal) Stuntman Ignition
  5. D

    Halo 3 or COD4 better?

    COD4 is notorious for B***LLS**T Ai that spam you with grenades and drop you at the drop o f a hat, and in areas of COD4 are enlessly spawning.
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    Halo 3 or COD4 better?

    Halo 3 is hard to beat in terms of quality and quanity imo. Not many games out there allow you to desgin your OWN GAMETYPE, redesgin maps, and play in various game modes. Grifball, MLG playlist, BigTeamBattle, Head to head, Multi-team, and endless variety of custom games. Infection/Zombies...
  7. D

    Farewell to Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive :(

    LOL @ the PR from Tecmo. They're going to hold onto the Team Ninja name, but I am pretty sure it won't ever be the same. I wonder what Itagaki's new team will be named? This might be good for Itagaki, it would be cool if he could start a completely new IP(intellectual Property). ONE...
  8. D

    The Time had come. MGS4!

    Enjoy double posting, do you Authentic? You're still on my ignore list so I don't see your posts by choice. It's a wonderful choice to have at this forum. ON T0p1C... What is everyone's impression of MGS4 so far? Directed at people who have the game, and not people who think it's 'gay'...
  9. D

    The Time had come. MGS4!

    MGS4 looks smoking hot. I WANT a PS3 now lol. Just a FYI, Authentic. You're on my IGNORE LIST, so I will not be seeing your posts, so basically if you try to reply to my posts, I will not be seeing them. I have decided your opinions are no better than garbage and do not wish to see any...
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    Ignore User Function

    Ok thanks guys. I had clicked on THAT specific user's profile. I now understand I go to MY profile and put in the name of the user I wish to ignore. Thank you both! Edit/Add DONE! Now my AllDeaf experience is much better! One less idiot's post will show up unless quoted by another member...
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    Ignore User Function

    Is it still there? It isn't showing for me, I wish to ignore a specific user. I am using the Flock Browser, maybe that is why?
  12. D

    The Time had come. MGS4!

    Authentic's opinion = worthless He posts like a nub. Spouts opinion as fact. Pompous. I think I'm going to ignore him now. Too much idiocy for me to tolerate. ON TOPIC I want a PS3 for MGS4. It looks pretty sick, not gay.
  13. D

    Being scammed by a user from XBOX forum

    I'd like to add to this thread, that there has been a surge lately of "Free Rockband Songs' or 'Free Microsoft Points'. These are 'phishing' sites. They either end in TK or something, which is often a dead tell that it is not a legit site. Some of you on XBL may have already recieved...
  14. D

    What Anime Have You Watched Lately?

    Tekkonkinkreet(SP?) very colorful, creative characters, entralling all over. I'd like to remind you guys.. "animes' is not a word. 'anime' is, and it means both one and many. It is a common and understandable mistake. I also saw KungFuPanda yesterday, THUMBS UP
  15. D

    Farewell to Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive :(

    Agreed. What I really want to see is Itagaki have complete creative control of his own divison. I would not be surprised if he started his own company.
  16. D

    A suggestion about mods

    *Facepalm* No wonder the moderating on this site is sub-par. I moderate a forum,, and we have 'global' S-Mods, and specific forum moderators. If the specific forum moderators are not availbale, do we sit around twiddling our thumbs and wait for that person?? LMAO.
  17. D

    Up for a challenge in Halo 3?

    Allright. It might be tricky with you in Russia(?) though. If SOCOM 3 delivers, I might jump onto PS3 for that. I might. Its hard to leave the XBOX360 and it's library of excellent games. I probably won't go PS3/PSN until I really am done with XBL/XBOX360. I don't want to pay 2 $50 a...
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    New Deaf Mario Kart Wii Forum

    Nice! Have you visited You may meet some more Deaf Wii players and tell them about your new forum for Mario Kart.