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  1. doh

    About the war on Iraq

    The agressors should be tried as war criminals.
  2. doh

    Using telephones for t-cons at work. How well do you do?

    I don't use phone a lot at work (Boss and coworkers know I don't like it) but when I have no choice I press the receiver up against my ear to try and make a good seal and do my best to plug my other ear up. Needless to say the phone's volume is at max... I will tell (read: yell at) coworkers to...
  3. doh

    Hearing parents accused Deaf parents for being deaf and not good enough?

    fixed for you. :/ I've seen everyone marginalised. It doesnt matter if it's deaf / hearing, female / male, theist / atheist, gay / straight or whatever. SOME people think the group they belong is "better" because THEY belong to it ! It's not ignorance. Ignorance is when you just don't know...
  4. doh

    Hearing parents accused Deaf parents for being deaf and not good enough?

    At least the man had the guts to admit he was wrong ! So rare... Sad that he had the opinion he did in the first place
  5. doh

    How do you carry your Blackberry?

    I have a BB8800 and I put it in a side pouch on my purse, next to my train pass. I don't use the holster since I don't usually wear belts.
  6. doh

    What kind of job that you work for a company?

    I am a senior (software) developer for a youth oriented research and website / interactive company. We make websites and applications for kids.
  7. doh

    What is your favourite perfume?

    None. They give me headaches. :iobarf:
  8. doh

    Anyone who is multimedia design? ^_^

    I wish! I'm in awe of what the artists at work do! All I do is write code. I can't draw to safe my life or anything. Makes me so jealous what art people do.
  9. doh

    I'm married!

  10. doh

    Hi, welcome to my first post on here!!

    Welcome. I'm living in York (soon to be Leeds).
  11. doh

    Should we impeach Bush?

    Impeach? No... war crimes charges.
  12. doh

    Deaf techs/geeks what challenges do you face?

    HOH myself... senior programmer. Biggest challenge lately is conference calls with clients in America (I live in England). I wish they would use the chat room they set up! My coworkers are difficult to understand but they repeat themselves. If my hearing loss is progressive i will surely face...
  13. doh

    New Mac OS X Leopard Rocks!

    I use MissingSync for blackberry...
  14. doh

    Deaf Myths: Do you know the truth?

    People in Britain don't use ASL. :)
  15. doh

    New Mac OS X Leopard Rocks!

    Got Leopard installed last night. Still iSync doesn't support blackberry! :ugh3: :pissed:
  16. doh

    Very Sad Today!!!!

    Lots of :birthday: !
  17. doh

    ATTN:cat lover

    Not romance. They're just grooming each other... they are probably related.
  18. doh

    ATTN:cat lover

    OMG!!! Kitties!!! Yaaay! I LOVE cats !! Thanks :)
  19. doh

    Your Operating System ?

    Linux on all servers and as my workstation at work. OS X on my laptop at home which is my main machine these days. Some Windows 2000 for eve online.
  20. doh

    Deaf Myths: Do you know the truth?

    I took the questions to mean ALL deaf people.