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  1. Mewtilation

    Creepier news in St. Louis

  2. Mewtilation

    What was the last movie you watched?

    My date... thingy... ( Not together ) Just a friend that is a date thingy... ( Courting I suppose? ) Do people say courting? I know it's an older term but I think it's respectable and appropriate... ANYWAY, we went to see transformers... it was AWESOME! :D
  3. Mewtilation

    Superhero names

    Never heard of Captain Carrot, but it's pretty funny! :giggle:
  4. Mewtilation

    michigan newbie

  5. Mewtilation

    Boy trouble

    I understand that is not what she was asking, first off... However, I also understand what Angel was shooting for. Every single 15 year old thinks "they're the one." She's 15... Hormones... all that messed up running around rampaging 15 year old stuff... confusion. If it is clear that he does...
  6. Mewtilation

    Florida sees drop in overdose death rate

    DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG Grummer! :laugh2: No, it's because they cracked down a lot on us writing pain medications for things. They're very strict now. Back a few years ago, a physician wouldn't hesitate to write you a script for Percocet for a broken toe. Today we basically tell you to suck it up...
  7. Mewtilation

    How are you feeling today?....

    This week has been pretty good so far, actually. :) Feeling pretty good... got news of bonus money this week... ( That's always nice! ) Have another interview for this position I've been interviewing for MONTHS on Thursday at 11 am! Taking a new medication and I'm feeling pretty great on it! In...
  8. Mewtilation

    13 Tombstones With A Lively Sense of Humor

    LMFAO!!! The shell is here, the nut is gone!!! :laugh2: Well this sucks... :laugh2: :rofl: I will NOT be back after this message! :laugh2: and my personal favorite... Mastercard and Visa still looking for those payments they missed... :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl...
  9. Mewtilation

    Interpreters with dreads

    Always a fad.... :roll: What can you do though? *sigh* Sad that they mess up the hair when they have to be chopped out! :doh:
  10. Mewtilation

    Hi i need help

    Oh, you need help alright. First let me clarify for you from a medical standpoint. No medical professional can tell you when you're going to lose your hearing... especially a general care doctor. You posted at that time you went to a doctor which wasn't even an ENT at the time and they said...
  11. Mewtilation

    Interpreters with dreads

    Many different kinds. It's a hairstyle... Here are a few examples.
  12. Mewtilation

    Interpreters with dreads

    I personally feel they look hideous... :shock: That is just my take on them appearance wise... :ugh: Professionally, you'd have to see what that particular company would have to say about them. I know working at the hospital I work for, they're not allowed. I have never had or seen a terp with...
  13. Mewtilation

    Hi i need help

  14. Mewtilation

    Deaf World

    I'm comfortable wherever with whoever... because I don't allow people to make me uncomfortable. I am me... and people can deal with it. I have hearing, late deafened and Deaf friends alike. Respect me and I'll respect you. It takes all kinds of people to make up this world and I don't care what...
  15. Mewtilation

    Men Chesthair Art .

    :( I didn't read it clearly, I'm tired! All I read was Man and ART!!! :(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Mewtilation

    World Cup...Are you watching?

    I am not... I am kind of like.... Erm... Yup... this is me....
  17. Mewtilation

    What are you doing right now?

    Preparing for another interview on Thursday.... Omg this process is killing me! I can't believe I am still doing this process!!! :roll: Oh well, at least I'm still in it... I can be thankful for that... :) I was very excited to get the notification they want to do this follow up... Still...
  18. Mewtilation

    Deaf-staffed restaurant 'Signs' opening in Toronto

    That is pretty awesome! :thumb:
  19. Mewtilation

    Do you weight in who your significant other interact with before dating?

    I definitely pay attention to who they interact with. I don't ask if they get into trouble... that's kind of a odd or childish question... :hmm: I do ask if they or their friends do drugs... of any kind. I will not date someone ( anyone ) who does drugs of any kind... ( Marijuana included )...