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  1. aweet_princess198925

    Dine-in and fast food restaurant Sent from my SM-T520 using AllDeaf App mobile app
  2. aweet_princess198925


    Deaf, deaf, HoH, and hearing welcome Sent from my LGLS990 using AllDeaf App mobile app
  3. aweet_princess198925


    If you are in miami beach area I am hosting a deaf meet up at the Starbucks on 1201 Washington Ave on Oct 2nd at 6pm. PM me with any questions. Sent from my SM-T520 using AllDeaf App mobile app
  4. aweet_princess198925


    You should try glide its really good and im in a asl group there i can add you to. My ID is MLG ARPJ Sent from my LGLS990 using AllDeaf App mobile app
  5. aweet_princess198925

    Hey there

    Hello and welcome to ad. Sent from my LGLS990 using AllDeaf App mobile app
  6. aweet_princess198925

    Can anyone point me in the right direction

    Thanks i will start with the state. I do need financial backing but i have to make sure i wont do business with someone who will take advantage in a negative way. Sent from my LGLS990 using AllDeaf App mobile app
  7. aweet_princess198925

    Can anyone point me in the right direction

    I have an idea on starting a charity for the deaf and blind and I have my proposal and outline ready just need to no who to talk to and it it started. I have been doing my research for a few years now and I'm ready to get it started. I need to know if anyone has started a charity and how did you...
  8. aweet_princess198925

    Hey! New here and going deaf. Should I learn ASL?

    Hello and welcome. I play viola and cello and i understand the fear of losing hearing and being into music. I have been playing since i was 8 and i taught myself. It took me awhile to adjust and i was depressed for awhile but now im more comfortable and i have no problem with telling people to...
  9. aweet_princess198925

    Hello, i'm going Deaf. Should I learn ASL?

    I starting losing my hearing when i was 22 and i am 26 now and i am very happy i learned asl. My family still has not learned but on glide i have made alot of friends to practice with. If you have glide we can chat. My ID is MLG ARPJ Sent from my LGLS990 using AllDeaf App mobile app
  10. aweet_princess198925

    Not new but have been gone awhile.

    Hello everyone my name is Arii. I'm not new to AD but i have been gone for awhile. I am new to Florida thought and looking for some new friends in the Dade county area. I am HoH but completely deaf in my right ear. I have a hearing aid but it doesn't help me much. I am still learning to be...
  11. aweet_princess198925

    Does anyone want to sign with me?

    Hello i would like to sign with you. My name is Arii short for Arielle. Im 26 and i and HoH/deaf. My glide is MLG ARPJ Sent from my LGLS990 using AllDeaf App mobile app
  12. aweet_princess198925


    Hello welcome to AD. Im HoH but completely deaf in my right ear. I and decent at asl i cant hold a conversation now. I dont have any deaf family for friends except the ones on glide which is awesome to practice on. If you have glide my ID is MLG ARPJ Sent from my LGLS990 using AllDeaf App...
  13. aweet_princess198925

    Hello again

    So i have been off the site for a few months and I have moved to South Beach Fl. I have been looking for a deaf meet up group or community but no luck. Is anyone in Miami or have any info on were the community is or social groups? Sent from my LGLS990 using AllDeaf App mobile app
  14. aweet_princess198925

    South Beach Miami

    Hello I have not been on here in a few months.was wondering if anyone was in Miami, Fl. I came on vacation ans got a job now I live here.
  15. aweet_princess198925

    7 polices hurt in Baltimore riots

    The proof is in the medical report. Sent from my SM-T520 using AllDeaf App mobile app
  16. aweet_princess198925

    7 polices hurt in Baltimore riots

    He was not arrested for selling he was arrested for running . He was in an area where drugs are sold and when the police came for something that had nothing to do with him he ran. By law they have the right to chase him under suspension. The video that was removed showed the officer kick him in...
  17. aweet_princess198925

    Should Men Go To Jail When They Fail To Pay Child Support?

    Children are beautiful and anyone that doesn't want to be apart of the life they created and take care of them has issues. Sent from my LGLS990 using AllDeaf App mobile app
  18. aweet_princess198925

    Should Men Go To Jail When They Fail To Pay Child Support?

    That's why I feel if someone can't take care of a child alone then don't even have sex. My cousin got pregnant with birth control and a condom so contraception doesn't mean anything. And that's a risk any parent takes cause no one knows the future and people can change really quick when life...
  19. aweet_princess198925

    Should Men Go To Jail When They Fail To Pay Child Support?

    I didn't say anything about keeping the child from the father I said I won't force a grown man to do anything. If he want to be in his child's life go for it. Sent from my LGLS990 using AllDeaf App mobile app
  20. aweet_princess198925

    Should Men Go To Jail When They Fail To Pay Child Support?

    And plus if they in jail you really not going to get anything but the court and jail will. Sent from my LGLS990 using AllDeaf App mobile app