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  1. S

    Two deaf mutes cry rape

    This article was translated, and the equivalent word in their culture is deaf-mute... I know in German the only way to say deaf is "deaf and dumb"
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    Help:hearie needs info on college

    I would say, first of all, ask your ASL teachers. --That said, I have heard Ohio State has a very good program. CSUN (here where I am) has a very good deaf studies program as well, and its interpreting program is starting to get quite a good reputation. Really, it depends on where you...
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    Mouth shapes and ASL/BSL

    No deaf people answered, but I can give you the experience I have had from my deaf friends. I have a few deaf friends who almost NEVER speak. They all can mouth decently well. Almost all deaf people go to speech/lipreading "therapy" when they are growing up, where they learn a lot of that...
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    Disability-related vocabulary?

    Okay, as for medically related vocab, Random house publishes an ASL medical dictionary. They also have several others (legal, computer, general, etc). For dwarf, i've generally just seen "person short (shown by hand)" and "(referent point) wheelchair" or "(referent point) uses wheechair" for...
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    Can someone who is severely deaf talk normally?

    True. SO true. That is the one area I notice my even most of hoh friends lacking, tone of voice. They may be able to give it to a point, but often time can't hear it in other people's voices. I notice myself trying to give an appropriate facial expression/comment to someone's remark to cue them...
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    The Maze Test your skills!

    holy crap...playing this in at 2 am with the sound way up in a house full of hearing people is not good! AHhhhhh! Heart pounding
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    Webcam to Sorenson Cam?

    the two programs that work with sorenson are EnvisionSL and Sign2.5 (name wrong on that, but I dl'd it and tried it) and neither are Mac compatible. We tried sightspeed for her computer, and a few other programs, and of course Ichat, but none of it worked. I just got an i2eye camera, that...
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    Why should a deaf/hoh person consider being an audiologist?

    1.He/she would understand their patients better than any hearing doctor. 2. He/she would be a great role model to anyone who came into his/her office, showing that deaf can.
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    Man sues chatroom pals: I was humiliated beyond what 'no man could endure'

    Let me say this slowly and clearly so even that person could understand,',...block...them...and...don'
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    How long?

    Okay, that's cool, I was just wondering if you terped in the same way (essentially in ASL word order). I almost always understand what you type for her, and the few times when she has typed herself. I don't have a problem with the way you are typing, it's a public forum, you have the right to...
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    How long?

    I have complete respect for anyone who chooses to use ASL as their first and primary language. I understand that LMM is a native user, however, LMM's voice, I have a question for you, you are hearing right? I don't know if you are trying to follow LMM's word order or what, but if you are...
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    Webcam to Sorenson Cam?

    I have a webcam but it is not an Isight...though I should be getting an isight soon. This webcam doesn't have any specific software... I just plug it in and it works. I have had friends try to dial my IP address and the connection never worked, but even if it had, what program would you use...
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    Webcam to Sorenson Cam?

    I am a hearing person with many deaf friends. Most of them have sorenson VRS... while I, unwilling to pay $150 for one, have a webcam. We can't seem to find any way for us to chat. I have a Mac, so NetMeeting doesn't work. Any other ideas?
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    How long?

    I'm a hearing person who has really tried to immerse myself in signing and deaf culture. I've only been signing about 2 years (2 years, 4 months to be exact) and I consistent have deaf people assume I am deaf, sometimes they even ask me if I grew up in mainstream or a school for deaf! I...
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    I'm a hearing person who has been learning ASL, and from 98% of people, I have gotten nothing but a positive or at least respectful response. I've probably talked to about 200 deaf people, and had 1 walk away from me when I said I was hearing. I think it does depend on the deaf community you are...
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    Signing Times TV Show

    It is also on Mondays at 1 p.m.
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    I need advice on higher education because of deafness

    I know from experience at CSUN, and from the experience of many of my deaf friends, the interpreting at CSUN has NOT been good recently. The biggest problem is that they are short terps but won't raise the salary. They just cut benefits in order to raise the salary but uh, duh, it's the same...
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    Mouth shapes and ASL/BSL

    In BSL, I've read that you actually are SUPPOSED to mouth the words. I found this on an offical website In ASL, really, from everything I've been taught, you aren't supposed to mouth English words. As Endymion said, there are specific mouth movements you are used to indicate certain things, but...
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    Question about fingerspelling

    For hearing people learning sign language, the best thing to do is to sound the word out. If you think... "c" "o" "m" "m" "u" "n" "i" "c" "a" "t" "i" "o" "n"... by the time you get to the first n, you will have forgotten the C. Instead, think "com-you-ni--kay--shun"... it will be WAY easier...
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    Deaf youth sterilised 5 months after marriage

    lost in translation The problem maybe that the person translation this from whatever Indian language was used to English chose that word incorrectly. Youth may have just been meant as young, in fact, it may even mean that in British English.