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  1. FutureGame2100

    You get free $30 Birthday Certification for BDAY ONLY[Please read my following steps]

    You will be able to get a free $30 Birthday Certification on only your birthday from Benihana Japanese restaurant offer. To sign up with this below link: The Chef's Table Don't forget to print the coupon out and carry it to the Benihana restaurant within one month expiration. :)...
  2. FutureGame2100

    Show Us Your Car(s)

    I already bought a new car in July 2009. My one year-old car is called Honda Civic Sedan. I'll post more pictures of my car when I am ready.
  3. FutureGame2100

    Goodbye, Max

    Awesome! I wish I have to purchase a Husky puppy when I find a new apartment.
  4. FutureGame2100

    What Are You Reading Right now?

    I agree with above the statement. Dixeboy, how much you see my English grammar made itself very improved? Keep reading more and over and over like articles, magazines, newspapers, and books to loan from the Library or buy a new cheap best-selling book from the Barnes and Nobles. I'm not sure if...
  5. FutureGame2100

    Goodbye, Max

    I'm very apologized to hear about your lost dog. I hope you will find another new best friend of your pet someday.
  6. FutureGame2100

    why so many deaf single men?

    That's good question on your thread. My point is off on the thread. For example, there are plenty of fishes in the water. Someone could reel a fish out of million of fishes in the water and it could be like a right guy for a right lady. I don't understand how a lot of deaf men are being jerks...
  7. FutureGame2100

    O'Donnel thinks homosexuality a identity disorder

    In fact, you fellows maybe know that has based on the true story about Harry Potter is a gay in a real life I've read a surprised news.
  8. FutureGame2100

    My suggest is for XBOX 360 & Playstation 3

    My thread wish that both the XBOX 360 and Playstation 3 should play together through online games. Why not we vote for it? :D
  9. FutureGame2100

    What Are You Reading Right now?

    I'm currently reading my two favorite authors of those books are John Steinbeck and Joseph Heller. Now, I am reading the best-selling books such as East of Eden and Catch-22. Catch-22 is my first purchase of reading book to be fascinated on every chapter.
  10. FutureGame2100

    PlayStation Move like WII

    Are you an offender? Please do not judge over Playstation 3 and other xbox 360. You're an Asian. I'm an Asian. Why not we are being friend? I don't even know you. How rude is?
  11. FutureGame2100

    Seek a help for any issue

    Oh yeah, I now remember you on the day.
  12. FutureGame2100

    "Social Network" Facebook Movie.

    No, it is a true story. You have to watch the Social Networking with a closed caption. He is first billionaire young guy in the world.
  13. FutureGame2100

    Please rename my account name or profile name.

    I want to rename my username as Commanderxp90. It is just an old name.
  14. FutureGame2100

    Do you have acne issue?

    Sugar +Bacteria = Acid. Be careful! :)
  15. FutureGame2100

    New Upcoming Games

    Everyone knows as 2011 as next year would have many best games of the 2011 years. Expect for those upcoming movies.
  16. FutureGame2100

    New Upcoming Games

    You guys don't forget about Kollection HD, Rachet N Clank in 4 in One Pack, Persia of Sand Collection HD, Ico and Shadows of Colossus collection in 2011, too. Twisted Metal would be my first priority to buy, then Dead Space 2 or Homefront would be my second priority! :D
  17. FutureGame2100

    M$ and Apple against on Blu-ray

    The head of Microsoft is just retarded to sue Andriod and another 13 companies, anyway. No one cares about it. Blu ray is for the win.
  18. FutureGame2100

    Last Movie You Watched?

    Jackass 3D rocks! I hope you may find an open caption on or not.
  19. FutureGame2100

    Last Movie You Watched?

    Boogie Woogie movie was pretty good movie I've watched last time.
  20. FutureGame2100

    How to Show Deaf Communication in Comics?

    I wish I can visit Amsterdam. Amsterdam is the best country in the world to visit.