Search results

  1. G

    Roomate Sex

  2. G

    Crossbred Dogs

  3. G

    Got Any Grapes?

    (laughs) what a smartass duck! I'll just bake the duck instead then..:laugh2: :laugh2:
  4. G

    The Next Time You are sick...

    :laugh2: :scatter:
  5. G

    Accidental Bonding

    That's right..and maybe the police will find more beer bottles in her car.. :D But..that man is damn stupid!
  6. G

    A Blondie got speeding ticket

    Yeah..maybe so ..gotta accept right.. :cool:
  7. G

    Kill the Anthropologist

  8. G

    Three Construction Man

    There's three construction man from America, Russia, and Poland. They always to go the work everyday together and even they eat thier lunch together too. So, later they ate together at the lunch and America man, said "Man, I always gets the same lunch everyday that my wife makes me." His other...
  9. G

    Kind of Sick but also funny..

    wtf fucking idiot guy!!
  10. G


    vice: brown??? nah..i dont think the rainbow has color of would destroy the beauty of rainbow!!! yikes..
  11. G

    Three men went to Parachute Jump

    omega.. I know this one before.. it always been good joke..
  12. G

    So thirsty...

    (laughs) disgusing?? would be the worst if he drank it!!
  13. G

    Help! Think of ur child!

    good one #13..(laughs)
  14. G

    American Pie 3: American Wedding

    oh yeah..i cant wait to see ap 3.. i want to see how much they've changed teen to adults..know.. awesome and i bet stifler finally understand about staying one girl
  15. G

    What's your top favorite movies?

    My favorite movies: comedy: In the Army (Jerry Lewis), The Tuxedo suspense:Indepence day 4, Ghost Ship.. Action : The X-Men..its the champs.. and all Bruce Lee's movies Most Memoriable The Thir13teenth Ghost Romantic : umm Dunno All-time favorite:the matrix and X-Men! its...
  16. G

    Middle East Tv Lineup

    :wtf: not ehh so wtf bad.. I dont find that funny..sry
  17. G

    A Blondie got speeding ticket

    The Blondie girl went for a drive with her fancy red ferrai car and got pulled over by policeman. So, he came over to get her license and reg. Blondie girl told the police man..what's license and reg. He was so shocked to hear that from her, then he came back to his car. He called his friend at...
  18. G

    The Rookie Boy who goes hunting with the Expert.

    thanks..its nice to hear..