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  1. G

    Question for those who wear hearing aids

    My husband's benefit plan will cover a maximum of $750 per hearing aid, every 5 years.
  2. G

    I have a question.

    Personally, I would never get a CI. I am content with my hearing aids. I am not against Cochlear Implants. Unless it concerns a child, to young to make the choice.
  3. G

    Hearing Aides are not for Deaf

    A Deaf Reality World. You've got to be kidding me. Face it we're a minority group. The world does not revolve around us deafies. I am severe to profoundly deaf, and have worn hearing aids since 2 years old. I don't sign at all, I talk. Does this bother you?
  4. G

    deaf or hearing child

    I am an oral deaf female with a severe to profound hearing loss. Both my daughters are hearing and healthy, I wouldn't have it any other way. Prior to getting pregnant, I have to be honest, I did not want deaf children. It doesn't mean I'd love them any less.
  5. G

    Breastmilk or formula....

    I am a mother of identical twin girls. They were born 2 months premature, "Candice" was 3 pounds, and "Faith" was 3 pounds 11 ounces. The doctor recommended that I feed them formula to help them gain weight. Their bowel movements, was not any better or worse than a baby being fed breastmilk...