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    U.S. troops killed and wounded amid Afghan protests over Koran burning

    What's your motivation for posting about apostasy?
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    Are Rich People Unethical?

    Every socio-economic group have unethical people.
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    U.S. troops killed and wounded amid Afghan protests over Koran burning

    Taliban-ruled Afghanistan. Who helped support the Talibans' war against the Soviets again? Why, I do declare that would be YOUR country. So essentially, your tax dollars helped put the Talibans into power.
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    U.S. troops killed and wounded amid Afghan protests over Koran burning

    You can be sure that in countries ruled by dictators, it's not just a domestic affair. Human rights violations are very high in such countries. But like Beowulf said, if a first world country steps in to "help" - it's almost always to protect their corporate interests, not for genuine...
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    U.S. troops killed and wounded amid Afghan protests over Koran burning

    They practically already do. Ever heard of DynoCorp?
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    U.S. troops killed and wounded amid Afghan protests over Koran burning

    Isn't it ironic that in America, not a single woman exists on the birth control mandate panel and yet those same people who are anti-birth control mandate are being so supportive of women's rights in Islam countries. I mean, wha?
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    U.S. troops killed and wounded amid Afghan protests over Koran burning

    Northern Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Iran are all very suppressive states with dictatorial leaders. If indeed the populaces support such beliefs, those leaders would have been voted into power. But they were not. They took control by force. If the people could get funding and backing to...
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    Not a very welcoming site....

    I completely agree with you that hiding your deafness in a job interview is a bad idea and I'm sorry to learn your posts were deleted. They shouldn't have been.
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    U.S. troops killed and wounded amid Afghan protests over Koran burning

    Iran is condemned by most Muslim countries for its extreme fundamentalist government of which the Iranians did not vote into power. In no way does the Ayatollah represent the prevailing views of most Iranians.
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    Study links low intelligence with right-wing beliefs

    Grayma - I didn't quote from any leftwing websites. I merely quoted an article that was based on studies and findings from Psychology Today and LiveScience. You quoted Colony Rabble from "Red County". charlotte observer is saying leftwings attack anyone who is religious hence the reason they...
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    U.S. troops killed and wounded amid Afghan protests over Koran burning

    Not my fault Christianity is also associated with violence and death. And 1 out of 3 women in America have been sexually assaulted and/or abused regardless of their religion. And yes, divorce is permitted in Islam and can be initiated by either the wife or the husband. You said anyone in...
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    U.S. troops killed and wounded amid Afghan protests over Koran burning

    saywhatkid - you don't have to read these threads if they bother you.
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    Study links low intelligence with right-wing beliefs

    Study links low intelligence with right-wing beliefs - The Globe and Mail "Researchers have found a possible explanation for why certain people are prejudiced: they’re less intelligent. Children with lower general intelligence are more likely to become prejudiced as adults, according to a...
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    Kids Turned Away From Church....

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    What happens when children of CI don't get to use sign language?

    Actually, it seemed Lucas was saying he can't skate if he can't hear. Not sure why that is though.
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    Kids Turned Away From Church....

    I see he's been taking lessons from Reba. lol.
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    Kids Turned Away From Church....

    Heh, my point is it doesn't matter if TXGolfer cares to prove anything or not, his constant questioning of "are you sure?" is clearly more a statement than a real question.
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    Kids Turned Away From Church....

    90% of questions are statements in disguise.